Saturday, November 25, 2006

BaCk By "PoPuLaR" dEmAnD aNd By CoNsIsTeNt BoReDoM!!!

haha im back! lol.. where to begin on wat has happend in the last 3 months.. haha hmmm... ok la.. not gonna blog alot .. will recap in a few simple sentences haha

1. i fail my prelims!!!
2. im gonna fail my Os!!
3. i've graduated but i dun want to!!
4. i havent done anything wat so ever to bring me closer!!
5. i dun know where i wanna go after the os!!
6. i hav quite a pointless job!!
7. im still nervous!!!
8 im still very nervous!!!
9. no body is gonna read this blog!!

haha k.. thats all i will write... if i remember i shall continue to blog and explain in full and uncensored detail about the 9 points above.. haha