damn neat rite!!
posibility that this photo might not come out.. or it could also be big ass.. haha.. sorry i stil learnin how to use photo bucket.. haha.. anyway.. i room neat rite?? haha spent the last housr siftin thru my endless piles of notes and finnaly threw away 90 percent of it.. haha.. hope it wont affect me in the long run!! haha.. cheers
need to really start studyin now.. haha main reason why i cleaned up my room.. haha also cause it was damn dirty la.. haha i walk around also got cut on the foot.. haha.. dun know by wat.. it was either a nail clipper or a lighter.. haha.. not sure.. still pain though.. haha..
been stuck in the house for a rough 4 days.. haha friday,sat,sun and today.. haha think tml also i stayin at home.. no body ask me out anyway.. haha.. so heck.. stay at home.. 3 hours helbreath, 3 hours sleep 3 hours study.. haha 8 hour real sleep 1 hour bath and 6 hours worth of eatin.. haha cheers.. im a damn healthy guy.. haha
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