Sunday, January 18, 2009

boredom bred brilliance..

einstein was so bored with his toys he picked up his dad compass.. and was so bored then during one of his long staring sessions at the compass(he swears it blinked before he did!) he noticed the needle always pointed in one direction

newton was so bored at home then he went out to his apple tree to his.. he had so little things to do that all he could do was sit under the apple tree and thus let an apple fall on him( lets be realistic.. how long do u have to sit under a tree before something (ANYTHING) hits u??)

ben Franklin was so bored with flying a kite in normal conditions that he decided to fly one while it was raining.

Thomas Edison got so bored with lamps he started charging everythin in his house to see if it would glow

squid got so bored with ppl telling him to blog that he changed his blog and made it into this


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