LaSt DaY tO pLaY bBaLl HaS cOmE aNd GoNE...
haha no more bball!! haah at least untill the mid years are over then i think june holidays will be the final time i really chiong bball.. after that is study all the way till o levels.. haiz.. as much as that plan really relly sux i guess got no other choice? must get a good future.. then maybe i can go to law and management or go melbourne study.. haha.. hope and wish la hor.. lol
today school was a dump.. all we did was chem physics chem englich and more chem.. haiz.. but was ok la.. not say very bad.. the first 2 chem was fun and physics was enjoyable.. haha but the last chem sucked.. haiz.. im so gonna fail that freakin test.. damn sianz.. think need to find a tutor for chemistry.. nglish was cool tough.. the new teacher came and had a talk with us.. haha about arguementative essays and the mistakes that u could make.. so cool sia.. i learnt wat falacies are.. haha.. so intresting.. wanna try and get him to giv me another talk bout it.. also learnt that i actually make quite alot of falacies in my compo.. haha.. pai sei..
after school was kinda indecisive.. we didnt know whether to go over jav house or just go siglap and play.. haha im glad that our final bit of fun just before the mid years take off was at a really cool place.. haha and some more christina and derrick and a new girl called renee... cool name.. haha and she damn accurate sia.. all came over and played with us.. haiz i swear derrick why so good sia.. damn hard to play vs him.. haiz.. lol.. had alot of fun.. haha think today i was kinda alot more noisy then usual.. haha dun know why. last time i was like this was last year.. haha cant stop talkin or typing stuff.. i wonder wat it is.. lololol.. i glad to say that i hav finally been proven that i can quit smokin.. haha i put a cigg and a lighter in my bag and the entire day i didnt even hav the urge to take it out and light it.. haha IM CURED!!! lol.. happy..
lol.. this is in explanation of my "bed jumping" and "maximum output" msn nicks.. haha my dad gav me his old stereo set.. made by bosch.. dun really know bout them but jav say the they best in the world.. haha.. anyway.. hooked it up to my stereo then turn on the thing at full volume.. which means "maximum output" and then after that i realizd that my bed was actually shivering together with my bass stereo.. haah that explains the "bed jumping" lol hope u all not thinkin crooked...
tml got the musical so chance are i wont be postin any thing tml.. haha like any one cares.. nvm.. this is a good window of destressing.. haha..
wow... my dog can snore sia!! ol he sleeping above me at the 2 nd floor and i can hear him sial.. lol louder then my dad!! omg.. hahaha
I can give you the full details of the 2 nuclear bombs used during Nagasaki and Hiroshima in world war two.... but i cant tell you how to act or talk to a girl for my life.... Good Description?
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
My MiD yEaRs ArE cOmInG!!! oMg!!! OmG!!!
lol die la sial.. mid years so soon comin but then i not yet prepare for it.. haiz.. english think i can only just pass cause i never pass up anyof my hm work.. chinese.. that one heck care la... POA.. wah that one sure die lor... not cause i never study.. miss soh say will hav partnership question.. haiz.. wth is a partnership question?? should hav paid attention in class last year.. haiz.. science is another ure fail.. hav no idea wat the hell mole concept is and i can barely grasp the waves units... hist/SS think can pass la.. hopin to score well on my SBQ then pray like hell on my SEQ.. haha stupid strategy rite?? no choice.. despo time call for despo measures.. A maths also sure cannot pass wan.. got the new diff of trigo.. wah.. head ache la that one.. sianz... think the only one i sure pass is PE... lol..
today.. was damn sianz.. had the worlds hardest practical practice that i hav ever done... doing some funny stuff bout water and weights and still got dun know wat.. haiz.. sure die sia.. PE was fun.. haha the shuttle runs was cool.. next time must do some before i play bball... its good for stretching... maths was empty cause mr toh is doing the shit about the school musical.. after that had english.. probably the only productive lesson of the entire day.. that was a bit of fun.. glad to hear mdm say sorry to me.. haha she says that me and ivan chan english are the only 2 of the correct calibre.. so we actually dun need to do planning...
okok tong call me bnet..
i try blog again later
lol die la sial.. mid years so soon comin but then i not yet prepare for it.. haiz.. english think i can only just pass cause i never pass up anyof my hm work.. chinese.. that one heck care la... POA.. wah that one sure die lor... not cause i never study.. miss soh say will hav partnership question.. haiz.. wth is a partnership question?? should hav paid attention in class last year.. haiz.. science is another ure fail.. hav no idea wat the hell mole concept is and i can barely grasp the waves units... hist/SS think can pass la.. hopin to score well on my SBQ then pray like hell on my SEQ.. haha stupid strategy rite?? no choice.. despo time call for despo measures.. A maths also sure cannot pass wan.. got the new diff of trigo.. wah.. head ache la that one.. sianz... think the only one i sure pass is PE... lol..
today.. was damn sianz.. had the worlds hardest practical practice that i hav ever done... doing some funny stuff bout water and weights and still got dun know wat.. haiz.. sure die sia.. PE was fun.. haha the shuttle runs was cool.. next time must do some before i play bball... its good for stretching... maths was empty cause mr toh is doing the shit about the school musical.. after that had english.. probably the only productive lesson of the entire day.. that was a bit of fun.. glad to hear mdm say sorry to me.. haha she says that me and ivan chan english are the only 2 of the correct calibre.. so we actually dun need to do planning...
okok tong call me bnet..
i try blog again later
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
as off the 1st of april i will be ceasing my bball out side of school and outside or curricular time.. for u r info.. its means i wont play bball out side school.. or after i leave school.. lol mostly the means no more bball on tuesdays and fridays.. the rest of the days im at school till pretty late so yeah.. im still gonna play.. haha reasons for this announcement.. umm. mostly is cause of my left arm.. today got even worse witht he bang with johnny,, and also cause of the uncoming mid year exams and also cuase of a certain promise that i made... hmm.. hopefully even when i slow down on my bball i also wont increase the time i spend on wc3 and all that stuff...
today went to javier house play bball.. mostly fun... cant really rmemeber whether we won or not.. but nvm la.. haha its only a game.. thats wat i seem to be always hearing.. haha its ok..
lol.. suddenly mno mood blog.. gd nite..
as off the 1st of april i will be ceasing my bball out side of school and outside or curricular time.. for u r info.. its means i wont play bball out side school.. or after i leave school.. lol mostly the means no more bball on tuesdays and fridays.. the rest of the days im at school till pretty late so yeah.. im still gonna play.. haha reasons for this announcement.. umm. mostly is cause of my left arm.. today got even worse witht he bang with johnny,, and also cause of the uncoming mid year exams and also cuase of a certain promise that i made... hmm.. hopefully even when i slow down on my bball i also wont increase the time i spend on wc3 and all that stuff...
today went to javier house play bball.. mostly fun... cant really rmemeber whether we won or not.. but nvm la.. haha its only a game.. thats wat i seem to be always hearing.. haha its ok..
lol.. suddenly mno mood blog.. gd nite..
Monday, March 27, 2006
Im VeRy CoNtEnTeD rItE nOw Im VeRy HaPpY nOw!!!
haha really.. i found a very cool remedy if u sianz.. haha strwberries and coke.. lol was eating it just now.. shiok sia.. im damn happy now.. not a single problem or regret in the world.. haha i finish hist and POA liao.. packed my bag.. haha now im really sianz.. haha nothing to do sia.. so come and blog..
today ah.. went to school.. as per normal.. the rain was a kinda off-set though.. the rest of the day was smooth.. haha even ng im tuu class.. haha i damn pai sei.. the test in which i scored A2 last year for.. suddenly i cant do anymoe of it.. haha.. mr toh gav it to us again.. found out i made like 90% mistakes.. haha nvm.. at least i wont do the real exam liao.. haha.. but i think im still gonna try and maintain my current level of skill in emaths.. sos thta i can help my fellow class mates.. haha at least those hu want my help..
hmm.. somethin heppened to my internet today.. hope its not a smaall comming of wats gonna happen tml.. haiz.. if my internet crashes then im truly sianz.. means i really gotta use the phone.. hiaz.. wont hav a back up plan u know.. haha
okok 10.30 liao.. need to sleep tml still must go meet clement at bout 7 in the morning....
haha really.. i found a very cool remedy if u sianz.. haha strwberries and coke.. lol was eating it just now.. shiok sia.. im damn happy now.. not a single problem or regret in the world.. haha i finish hist and POA liao.. packed my bag.. haha now im really sianz.. haha nothing to do sia.. so come and blog..
today ah.. went to school.. as per normal.. the rain was a kinda off-set though.. the rest of the day was smooth.. haha even ng im tuu class.. haha i damn pai sei.. the test in which i scored A2 last year for.. suddenly i cant do anymoe of it.. haha.. mr toh gav it to us again.. found out i made like 90% mistakes.. haha nvm.. at least i wont do the real exam liao.. haha.. but i think im still gonna try and maintain my current level of skill in emaths.. sos thta i can help my fellow class mates.. haha at least those hu want my help..
hmm.. somethin heppened to my internet today.. hope its not a smaall comming of wats gonna happen tml.. haiz.. if my internet crashes then im truly sianz.. means i really gotta use the phone.. hiaz.. wont hav a back up plan u know.. haha
okok 10.30 liao.. need to sleep tml still must go meet clement at bout 7 in the morning....
Sunday, March 26, 2006
CaN u ExPlAiN sOmEtHiNg To Me?
why is it some how or other, even though u know u want to, but some way or the other you still dont... haiz.. haha think thats called moods.. haha happy is happy.. sad is sad.. no inbetween for me!!
dun really hav alot to say today .. haah waiting for clement to enter bnet then we can play dota liao.. haha.. tml is the beginning of a new week.. hope its an enjoyable week.. haha...
why is it some how or other, even though u know u want to, but some way or the other you still dont... haiz.. haha think thats called moods.. haha happy is happy.. sad is sad.. no inbetween for me!!
dun really hav alot to say today .. haah waiting for clement to enter bnet then we can play dota liao.. haha.. tml is the beginning of a new week.. hope its an enjoyable week.. haha...
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Do YoU hAvE tHe TiMe, To LiStEn To My WhInE?
haha if u dun u can just close this web and dun need to ever read this.. haha i dun even know why i blog.. can some one tell me wats the blog for? lol..
today.. growing further and further apart from some one i tot i would remain fren with.. haiz.. heck la.. lifes like that rite? had a POA test tough.. think im gonna pass but miss soh gonna minus marks from my test cause i didnt put in the titles for my balance sheet.. ah well.. pass can liao. haha.. after that went thru englsih and SS with no problems.. haha fun during english and ss.. english was a kinda of post it note kinda thing.. and then did this like poster on arguementative essays.. i now know why every time i do arguementative essy i always low marks.. cause i never really put a stand on my essay.. i just rwrite bout pro and cons of the thing.. haha ok.. O level i sure do the arguementative essay.. if not my name not squid.. haha.. then SS also did a debate.. kinda lame and wasting my time.. haha.. stupid la.. in the end yati didnt even really giv us alot of knowledge all it did was cause us to hav a change in our sitting arrangement.. haha funny sia. we all dicussing then dun know hu go piss her off then she immmediately scream at the whole class telling us she gonna mass change seats on our next class.. LOL heck la.. but i kinda liked my seat.. hope im seating some where near jav.. haha or some one WHOM I CAN HAV THE TIME TO TALK TOO!! <----- now thats realy lame.. after SS was physics.. wah that one slack la sial.. mutabak went do reservicing.. then spent the entire one hour help bao yi on her maths.. haha she suddenlly chiong all her studies sia.. think she wil get a better grade in her maths compared to mine.. haha.. if she does the amount of maths she doing now consistenly she will become top student sia.. haha.. hope every one reading this will learn the maths takes a f*ck load of practice..
really no joke.. u dun understand just zao do.. the reasoning to the question heck.. just remember formula and steps.. sure can A1 one.. trust me.. haha.. after physics till now was mostly a waste of time.. except that we invented a game to be played on the monkey bars.. u hang unside down on ur legs and play sissors paper stone.. the loser has to do a sit up and touch his knees with his head... pain sia.. but its good training for short pppl to improve height and also to strenghten stomach muscles.. haha i wanna get 6 pack!! once get that i happy liao.. haha..
ok la.. talk quite alot.. haha thnx for reading.. think as far as i know 1 person read this.. all the rest dun even care.. haha heck..
haha if u dun u can just close this web and dun need to ever read this.. haha i dun even know why i blog.. can some one tell me wats the blog for? lol..
today.. growing further and further apart from some one i tot i would remain fren with.. haiz.. heck la.. lifes like that rite? had a POA test tough.. think im gonna pass but miss soh gonna minus marks from my test cause i didnt put in the titles for my balance sheet.. ah well.. pass can liao. haha.. after that went thru englsih and SS with no problems.. haha fun during english and ss.. english was a kinda of post it note kinda thing.. and then did this like poster on arguementative essays.. i now know why every time i do arguementative essy i always low marks.. cause i never really put a stand on my essay.. i just rwrite bout pro and cons of the thing.. haha ok.. O level i sure do the arguementative essay.. if not my name not squid.. haha.. then SS also did a debate.. kinda lame and wasting my time.. haha.. stupid la.. in the end yati didnt even really giv us alot of knowledge all it did was cause us to hav a change in our sitting arrangement.. haha funny sia. we all dicussing then dun know hu go piss her off then she immmediately scream at the whole class telling us she gonna mass change seats on our next class.. LOL heck la.. but i kinda liked my seat.. hope im seating some where near jav.. haha or some one WHOM I CAN HAV THE TIME TO TALK TOO!! <----- now thats realy lame.. after SS was physics.. wah that one slack la sial.. mutabak went do reservicing.. then spent the entire one hour help bao yi on her maths.. haha she suddenlly chiong all her studies sia.. think she wil get a better grade in her maths compared to mine.. haha.. if she does the amount of maths she doing now consistenly she will become top student sia.. haha.. hope every one reading this will learn the maths takes a f*ck load of practice..
really no joke.. u dun understand just zao do.. the reasoning to the question heck.. just remember formula and steps.. sure can A1 one.. trust me.. haha.. after physics till now was mostly a waste of time.. except that we invented a game to be played on the monkey bars.. u hang unside down on ur legs and play sissors paper stone.. the loser has to do a sit up and touch his knees with his head... pain sia.. but its good training for short pppl to improve height and also to strenghten stomach muscles.. haha i wanna get 6 pack!! once get that i happy liao.. haha..
ok la.. talk quite alot.. haha thnx for reading.. think as far as i know 1 person read this.. all the rest dun even care.. haha heck..
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I jUsT rEaLiZeD tHaT iM vErY vUlGaR iN mY sPeEcH...
haha.. somehow i just cant swearing if there isnt a teacher within earshot.. if there is my english become alot more censored.. haha.. think quite alot of ppl dun really like that but wat the hell.. dun really care unless u told me straight up.. hahah
played bball over at javier house today.. not bad.. had quite alot of fun.. haha expecially when it became 5v1 against javier.. haha.. dun really know if we won or not but heck la..
was talking to an old fren at east point today.. haha apperently he is gay.. lol... rite thank god i forgot to giv him my email.. lol.. no la bluff wan.. he said he was gay but then after that there was this girl calling him over to BK.. so ok la.. haha.. before that was talking to him bout gf.. haha i realized i know SHIT bout that kind of shit.. haha.. its not something that i excell at.. ah well wat i lost in charisma i earned back in wit.. hahah...
ok la.. 10.30 liao.. must go sleep.. tml gotta meet clement at 7 am in the morning.. haha
bye bye
haha.. somehow i just cant swearing if there isnt a teacher within earshot.. if there is my english become alot more censored.. haha.. think quite alot of ppl dun really like that but wat the hell.. dun really care unless u told me straight up.. hahah
played bball over at javier house today.. not bad.. had quite alot of fun.. haha expecially when it became 5v1 against javier.. haha.. dun really know if we won or not but heck la..
was talking to an old fren at east point today.. haha apperently he is gay.. lol... rite thank god i forgot to giv him my email.. lol.. no la bluff wan.. he said he was gay but then after that there was this girl calling him over to BK.. so ok la.. haha.. before that was talking to him bout gf.. haha i realized i know SHIT bout that kind of shit.. haha.. its not something that i excell at.. ah well wat i lost in charisma i earned back in wit.. hahah...
ok la.. 10.30 liao.. must go sleep.. tml gotta meet clement at 7 am in the morning.. haha
bye bye
Monday, March 20, 2006
ThErE aRe SoMeThInGs ThAt TeAcHeRs CaNt TeAcH...
haha some things that some way or another teacher cannot teach and that u just gotta learn it for ur self.. one of them is how to appreciate the early hours of school.. haha.. another i how to follow rules set by the school even though they mean shit sense.. the last would be how to act like a good bf/ gf.. im ashamed to say that i hav yet to achieve the invaluable knowledge of this things.. haha
ah well.. i believe that peers in poly will help u on them.. haha simply by either crash coursing u or just completely irradicatingthe problem.. haha
today school began its 2nd term of pain and torture.. haha actually was quite a nice class... except that we had 2 hours of A maths.. learned something call diffrenciation of trigonometric functions.. haiz just remember how to spell it already hard.. i hope then in the future when im struggeling for my life that this will come and help me.. if not then i just got nothing to say.. haiz.. nvm la.. its also quite fun to do anyway.. so why not.. haha..
bball tday was boring.. haha thats kinda true cause we didnt really hav alot of jokes to do.. so heck la.. played me,johnny and ivan vs jay-z,jon and some other dude.. haha that guy so tall still cant block any shots.. haiz.. he move like stone like that sia.. haha.. h ya and i think i pulled my right shoudler oout of my socket.. haha was fooling around at the monkey bar.. trying out somethin i saw on tv.. haha u hold on to he monkey bar and try to balance ur feet such that they can point up wards.. haiz.. managed it the first time then the next time heard some really weird sund on my right shoulder.. had to let go.. hurt for bout 5 mins then heck liao.. haha no worries.. tml still can play.. think i will only stop playing when i get a cast on my right arm.. if i got a cast on my left side i still will play.. haha.. not that anyone really cares anyway.. haha.. hopefully tml will be more fun since we going over to javier hse and playing.. haha.. i like his house sia.. think its alot better then savannah.. ah well heck la..
this is a picture of my new place... its got a killer swimming pool...hope u all like it..

ok la.. i got nothing else to say.. just that im kinda sad rite now..
haha some things that some way or another teacher cannot teach and that u just gotta learn it for ur self.. one of them is how to appreciate the early hours of school.. haha.. another i how to follow rules set by the school even though they mean shit sense.. the last would be how to act like a good bf/ gf.. im ashamed to say that i hav yet to achieve the invaluable knowledge of this things.. haha
ah well.. i believe that peers in poly will help u on them.. haha simply by either crash coursing u or just completely irradicatingthe problem.. haha
today school began its 2nd term of pain and torture.. haha actually was quite a nice class... except that we had 2 hours of A maths.. learned something call diffrenciation of trigonometric functions.. haiz just remember how to spell it already hard.. i hope then in the future when im struggeling for my life that this will come and help me.. if not then i just got nothing to say.. haiz.. nvm la.. its also quite fun to do anyway.. so why not.. haha..
bball tday was boring.. haha thats kinda true cause we didnt really hav alot of jokes to do.. so heck la.. played me,johnny and ivan vs jay-z,jon and some other dude.. haha that guy so tall still cant block any shots.. haiz.. he move like stone like that sia.. haha.. h ya and i think i pulled my right shoudler oout of my socket.. haha was fooling around at the monkey bar.. trying out somethin i saw on tv.. haha u hold on to he monkey bar and try to balance ur feet such that they can point up wards.. haiz.. managed it the first time then the next time heard some really weird sund on my right shoulder.. had to let go.. hurt for bout 5 mins then heck liao.. haha no worries.. tml still can play.. think i will only stop playing when i get a cast on my right arm.. if i got a cast on my left side i still will play.. haha.. not that anyone really cares anyway.. haha.. hopefully tml will be more fun since we going over to javier hse and playing.. haha.. i like his house sia.. think its alot better then savannah.. ah well heck la..
this is a picture of my new place... its got a killer swimming pool...hope u all like it..

ok la.. i got nothing else to say.. just that im kinda sad rite now..
Friday, March 17, 2006
Im BaCk AnD iM rAvInG...
Im BaCk AnD iM rAvInG...
haha.. guess my earlier estimate was kinda wrong bout whether i was gopnna hav my com up in 2 weeks.. haha my bad... hmm.. my new house is not to bad.. its alot amaller then my old house.. but i guess its kinda good to be down grading to a smaller house.. haha my room also is alot nicer.. plus this com is now rite outside my room.. so dun need to walk up stairs or down just to go drink water or anythin like that.. haha.. plus now also bello can at any time come over and cuddle.. haha cool.. its almost perfect.. except that mnow no more aircon like last time.. last time can at least turn on air con on super hot days.. this time cannot.. haha.. the air con will be sorely missed.. haha
went to help out at painting on wednesday.. haha that was fun.. dun really feel like i did alot of stuff.. plus also didnt really make any progress wat-so-ever.... haiz.. ah well.. at least not like clement.. that guy is lucky caues he got a girl that likes him ALOT.. but also unlucky cause she looks really really.. and somemore he doesnt like her.. haiz.. very happy and very sad for him.. even though he gave me a welt bout the size of australia on my head when we were throwing the paper things.. haha hurts u know.. anyway.. the painting was cool.. actually did alot more slacking then painting.. hope i helped in the painting of the DnT rooms.. doubt it though.. in between went to play bball with a soccer ball.. just realize the shuqi and wendy are good at basket ball.. hahah both can shoot well.. haha
thursday went to chem in the morning.. my god.. if i wanted to sleep i could hav stayed at home sia.. waste my time sia.. we did titration and some test for something or other.. i also dun know wat.. so sianz.. after that played ball at school a short while then went javier hse play bball.. damn fun.. i love his court sia.. its got shade plus alot of wind.. haha i think with the wind then i can get shots in sia.. haha weird rite.. next time u see me playing u better start bowing in the wind.. LOL.. after that went home by taking MRT and then waiting for the shuttle.. haiz.. waited for one whole hour and a half.. damn sianz.. after that coincidently met with tong and clement hu were going to eat.. joined them and had a pathetic spaghetti bowl.. haiz.. damn sianz.. went i finally reach home must go hlp mum carry stuff and listen to her nag.. haiz can plz giv me a break not ai yo.. cant even rest or let my guard down at home.. haiz.. school cannot... outside cannot.. now home also cannot.. haiz..
friday was at home in the morning setting up my computer.. haha i set it up my self u know.. then after that at 12 plus went to see a sensei.. my god that guy is sadistic sia.. he was like. this part pain not ah? then i say yes he press even harder... pain sia.. lol.. SORRY TO JAVIER LEE SHUN KIAT.. told him i was going to SRC but in the end i never go haha.. lol.. at least i got my com up if i went SRC i wouldnt hav been able to get it up.. haha..
fell in love with a new song.. its call "after all this time" by simon webbe.. damn nice sia. its got a very nice meaning to me.. hahah..
ok la wrote alot today.. hopefully u had the patience to read through ot.. cheers..
haha.. guess my earlier estimate was kinda wrong bout whether i was gopnna hav my com up in 2 weeks.. haha my bad... hmm.. my new house is not to bad.. its alot amaller then my old house.. but i guess its kinda good to be down grading to a smaller house.. haha my room also is alot nicer.. plus this com is now rite outside my room.. so dun need to walk up stairs or down just to go drink water or anythin like that.. haha.. plus now also bello can at any time come over and cuddle.. haha cool.. its almost perfect.. except that mnow no more aircon like last time.. last time can at least turn on air con on super hot days.. this time cannot.. haha.. the air con will be sorely missed.. haha
went to help out at painting on wednesday.. haha that was fun.. dun really feel like i did alot of stuff.. plus also didnt really make any progress wat-so-ever.... haiz.. ah well.. at least not like clement.. that guy is lucky caues he got a girl that likes him ALOT.. but also unlucky cause she looks really really.. and somemore he doesnt like her.. haiz.. very happy and very sad for him.. even though he gave me a welt bout the size of australia on my head when we were throwing the paper things.. haha hurts u know.. anyway.. the painting was cool.. actually did alot more slacking then painting.. hope i helped in the painting of the DnT rooms.. doubt it though.. in between went to play bball with a soccer ball.. just realize the shuqi and wendy are good at basket ball.. hahah both can shoot well.. haha
thursday went to chem in the morning.. my god.. if i wanted to sleep i could hav stayed at home sia.. waste my time sia.. we did titration and some test for something or other.. i also dun know wat.. so sianz.. after that played ball at school a short while then went javier hse play bball.. damn fun.. i love his court sia.. its got shade plus alot of wind.. haha i think with the wind then i can get shots in sia.. haha weird rite.. next time u see me playing u better start bowing in the wind.. LOL.. after that went home by taking MRT and then waiting for the shuttle.. haiz.. waited for one whole hour and a half.. damn sianz.. after that coincidently met with tong and clement hu were going to eat.. joined them and had a pathetic spaghetti bowl.. haiz.. damn sianz.. went i finally reach home must go hlp mum carry stuff and listen to her nag.. haiz can plz giv me a break not ai yo.. cant even rest or let my guard down at home.. haiz.. school cannot... outside cannot.. now home also cannot.. haiz..
friday was at home in the morning setting up my computer.. haha i set it up my self u know.. then after that at 12 plus went to see a sensei.. my god that guy is sadistic sia.. he was like. this part pain not ah? then i say yes he press even harder... pain sia.. lol.. SORRY TO JAVIER LEE SHUN KIAT.. told him i was going to SRC but in the end i never go haha.. lol.. at least i got my com up if i went SRC i wouldnt hav been able to get it up.. haha..
fell in love with a new song.. its call "after all this time" by simon webbe.. damn nice sia. its got a very nice meaning to me.. hahah..
ok la wrote alot today.. hopefully u had the patience to read through ot.. cheers..
Saturday, March 11, 2006
WaRnInG wArNiNg...
this will probably be the last time i post anythin on this blog for the next to weeks.. for the minute amount of ppl hu actually read this blog im sorry but its gonna be boring for the next two weeks while i shift and prepare my new house..
lol sorry hor.. hopefully i can get my computer up before the week is over but i doubt it with my current feud with my father... oh ya and i also wont be entering or msn messenger withen the next two weeks unless i happen to hav a lot of money to blow and deside to go to a lan shop.. haha..
still have alot of things to do despite my hard work yesturday.. alrite so maybe i slacked just a wee-little bit yesturday.. played one game dota with vonk then watch the spurs V suns and play more dota.. but still i did work hard on the gardens.. haiz.. now onlye left..
1.pot at top floor right side...
2.pot at top floor left side...
3.pot down stairs..
haha 3 more pots to go.. and the first two can hold me inside them.. haiz.. dun really see the point in bring plants to our new house when the place is made such that it has too-many plants and shit like that.. haiz nvm.. even tough i would rather be at school rite now helping them to paint on the floors i still have to be here.. ah well... i guess 4 ppl are happy today again.. lol 3 days of happiness... lol cheers..
for the next two weeks..
this will probably be the last time i post anythin on this blog for the next to weeks.. for the minute amount of ppl hu actually read this blog im sorry but its gonna be boring for the next two weeks while i shift and prepare my new house..
lol sorry hor.. hopefully i can get my computer up before the week is over but i doubt it with my current feud with my father... oh ya and i also wont be entering or msn messenger withen the next two weeks unless i happen to hav a lot of money to blow and deside to go to a lan shop.. haha..
still have alot of things to do despite my hard work yesturday.. alrite so maybe i slacked just a wee-little bit yesturday.. played one game dota with vonk then watch the spurs V suns and play more dota.. but still i did work hard on the gardens.. haiz.. now onlye left..
1.pot at top floor right side...
2.pot at top floor left side...
3.pot down stairs..
haha 3 more pots to go.. and the first two can hold me inside them.. haiz.. dun really see the point in bring plants to our new house when the place is made such that it has too-many plants and shit like that.. haiz nvm.. even tough i would rather be at school rite now helping them to paint on the floors i still have to be here.. ah well... i guess 4 ppl are happy today again.. lol 3 days of happiness... lol cheers..
for the next two weeks..
Friday, March 10, 2006
I fEeL lIkE a DrOp OuT...
haha im the only one at home while every one else it at school dun know doing wat.. haiz..then some more yesturday didnt go schooll.. when i came to hand in all my files and all.. i looked like i kanna kick from school comin back to return all my items.. haha every one in school uniform and im the only one in PE attire.. haha.. after that went to play bball.. not to bad.. think my hexalite rbk shoe is kinda better then my answer 9.. haha.. heck care la.. answer 9 still more comfy.. lol.. i also found out that i had maybe a little chance in getting...
ok that was bout yesturday.. this is bout today.. lol got cut while cleaning up some pots.. haiz.. didnt see the wire and kanna cut.. pain sia.. i got cut bout 5mm next to my right arm artery!! lol close wan sia.. moderate amount of bleeding.. haha blood is fun!! was dripping the blood into a cup of water.. lol it looks like poster colour.. hurts tough.. every drop of blood must wince one time.. haha.. imagine.. pain then laughter then pain then laughter then pain... lol.. ITS GOOD TO BE ALIVE!! haha.. hmm still got a bunch of other chores to do..
1. clean out the pot on the 3rd floor right side...
2. clean out the pot on 3rd floor left side...
3.clean out the refrigerater on 3rd floor...
4.clean out the pot in front of the house..
5.clean out the pot at the back of the house...
6. clean out my room...
haiz.. so sianz rite?? haha should hav gone to school.. but then 4 ppl wont be very happy..
haha im the only one at home while every one else it at school dun know doing wat.. haiz..then some more yesturday didnt go schooll.. when i came to hand in all my files and all.. i looked like i kanna kick from school comin back to return all my items.. haha every one in school uniform and im the only one in PE attire.. haha.. after that went to play bball.. not to bad.. think my hexalite rbk shoe is kinda better then my answer 9.. haha.. heck care la.. answer 9 still more comfy.. lol.. i also found out that i had maybe a little chance in getting...
ok that was bout yesturday.. this is bout today.. lol got cut while cleaning up some pots.. haiz.. didnt see the wire and kanna cut.. pain sia.. i got cut bout 5mm next to my right arm artery!! lol close wan sia.. moderate amount of bleeding.. haha blood is fun!! was dripping the blood into a cup of water.. lol it looks like poster colour.. hurts tough.. every drop of blood must wince one time.. haha.. imagine.. pain then laughter then pain then laughter then pain... lol.. ITS GOOD TO BE ALIVE!! haha.. hmm still got a bunch of other chores to do..
1. clean out the pot on the 3rd floor right side...
2. clean out the pot on 3rd floor left side...
3.clean out the refrigerater on 3rd floor...
4.clean out the pot in front of the house..
5.clean out the pot at the back of the house...
6. clean out my room...
haiz.. so sianz rite?? haha should hav gone to school.. but then 4 ppl wont be very happy..
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I sMelL lIkE a DuRiAn.. ReAlLy..
wow i stink sia.. dun know wat happen.. i smeel like the strong smell from durian plus the really sour smell from rotten eggs... haha cant even bath cause have to let my body cool down before i bath if not sure kanna head ache.. haha hope my leg wont seize up again.. shouldnt la.. just gotta go take bout 30 min nap then shouldnt hav any problems.. haha real problem is my rite shoulder.. yesturday felt ok after jay-z slammed it upwards.. now its feel like i hav dislocated my right shoulder.. hurts like hell when i reach up.. heck la.. lol
had a dialoggue session between the school board and there were several questions asked.. one of them was bout our canteen.. haha mr sara funny sia.. when he came to the fried food part he also dun know wat to say.. lolzzz.. then after that arvind stood up and asked bout whether can hav soccer court and why ankle socks allowed.. haha then we all also tried tell him to ask bout high cut shoes.. sway sway mrs ong look and me and say: "if ur fren really has a question to ask why cant he just ak him self.. " siao sia.. in the end had to stand up then ask.. haha funny sia. i was like good afternoon panal of judges.. LOL hy the hell i say judges.. tot this was a debate sia.. lol then after that still funnier.. i said " hi my name is.... squid.. " lol could see mrs tan eyes widen sia.. thinhk she tot she hear wrong thats why never ak my real name.. lol.. oh ya.. so i asked bout why wearing high cut shoe not allowed.. so mrs ong stand and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk.. after she talk and talk and talk.. she just said ok this ends the dialoggue session.. lol didnt even answer my question.. haiz.. heck la.. im still gonna wear my answer 9.. heard some ppl talking bout it in the mroning.. not really sure hu.. but nvm la.. lol
kk must go bath.. i smell WRONG!!
Bye Bye
wow i stink sia.. dun know wat happen.. i smeel like the strong smell from durian plus the really sour smell from rotten eggs... haha cant even bath cause have to let my body cool down before i bath if not sure kanna head ache.. haha hope my leg wont seize up again.. shouldnt la.. just gotta go take bout 30 min nap then shouldnt hav any problems.. haha real problem is my rite shoulder.. yesturday felt ok after jay-z slammed it upwards.. now its feel like i hav dislocated my right shoulder.. hurts like hell when i reach up.. heck la.. lol
had a dialoggue session between the school board and there were several questions asked.. one of them was bout our canteen.. haha mr sara funny sia.. when he came to the fried food part he also dun know wat to say.. lolzzz.. then after that arvind stood up and asked bout whether can hav soccer court and why ankle socks allowed.. haha then we all also tried tell him to ask bout high cut shoes.. sway sway mrs ong look and me and say: "if ur fren really has a question to ask why cant he just ak him self.. " siao sia.. in the end had to stand up then ask.. haha funny sia. i was like good afternoon panal of judges.. LOL hy the hell i say judges.. tot this was a debate sia.. lol then after that still funnier.. i said " hi my name is.... squid.. " lol could see mrs tan eyes widen sia.. thinhk she tot she hear wrong thats why never ak my real name.. lol.. oh ya.. so i asked bout why wearing high cut shoe not allowed.. so mrs ong stand and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk.. after she talk and talk and talk.. she just said ok this ends the dialoggue session.. lol didnt even answer my question.. haiz.. heck la.. im still gonna wear my answer 9.. heard some ppl talking bout it in the mroning.. not really sure hu.. but nvm la.. lol
kk must go bath.. i smell WRONG!!
Bye Bye
Monday, March 06, 2006
WhAcK lA... jUsT wHaCk...
todays monday.. am im already damn sianz about school.. had bout 2 hours of a maths lesson.. mr toh explains that the 2 hours is for the art students so that while they are drawing they wont lose their train of thought.. haha i hope u art students are really concentrating on drawing art and not relaxing and gossiping.. haha ah well.. i guess if its for the art student then i can just giv it to them la.. but 2 hours really hurts me during a maths lesson.. its the only thinkg that is tempting me to drop a maths.. haha 2 hours long on x= this and that.. is really tiring.. learnt the binomal expansion for (2+2x)^N.. haha u got no idea how fucked up it is.. its like half a bloody page of writing for a measly 4-5 marks.. really makes u SHAGGED.. haha
after that went for smart time and then basket ball.. haha.. that was fun la.. its nice to watch the sec 2s bicker and quarrel amoung them selves.. haha.. plus still got that weird malay-hu-speaks-chinese dude.. haha that guy took of his shoe and play.. then after that complain bout having blister and refuse to run.. damn dumb lor.. and good bball player will know that if u play bare foot sure to get blister wan.. stupid guy.. haha.. hope we get to play against them again.. haha.. its really fun to play with them..
finnally realise how to make my answer 9 nice and comfy.. haha.. while playing just now realised that if i off the pump became really hard to play.. then must on again to hav a fit feeling to my feet.. and no pain somemore.. usually if i on while normal walking will feel pain in my ankles..
hope tml will be better.. planning to go buy some boxer shorts tml.. hopefully wont hav the urge to play bball..
(i wonder if i dun chat with u for 1 week u will be angry or just couldnt careless...)
todays monday.. am im already damn sianz about school.. had bout 2 hours of a maths lesson.. mr toh explains that the 2 hours is for the art students so that while they are drawing they wont lose their train of thought.. haha i hope u art students are really concentrating on drawing art and not relaxing and gossiping.. haha ah well.. i guess if its for the art student then i can just giv it to them la.. but 2 hours really hurts me during a maths lesson.. its the only thinkg that is tempting me to drop a maths.. haha 2 hours long on x= this and that.. is really tiring.. learnt the binomal expansion for (2+2x)^N.. haha u got no idea how fucked up it is.. its like half a bloody page of writing for a measly 4-5 marks.. really makes u SHAGGED.. haha
after that went for smart time and then basket ball.. haha.. that was fun la.. its nice to watch the sec 2s bicker and quarrel amoung them selves.. haha.. plus still got that weird malay-hu-speaks-chinese dude.. haha that guy took of his shoe and play.. then after that complain bout having blister and refuse to run.. damn dumb lor.. and good bball player will know that if u play bare foot sure to get blister wan.. stupid guy.. haha.. hope we get to play against them again.. haha.. its really fun to play with them..
finnally realise how to make my answer 9 nice and comfy.. haha.. while playing just now realised that if i off the pump became really hard to play.. then must on again to hav a fit feeling to my feet.. and no pain somemore.. usually if i on while normal walking will feel pain in my ankles..
hope tml will be better.. planning to go buy some boxer shorts tml.. hopefully wont hav the urge to play bball..
(i wonder if i dun chat with u for 1 week u will be angry or just couldnt careless...)
Sunday, March 05, 2006
SuCkY wEeKeNd..
unable to attain targetted conversational limit..
haha thats quite a mouth full rite... damn cool...
had quite a lousy weekend.. but had a great week.. haha i guess that kinda balances up the past week.. haha hope next week is the same.. but kinda seriously doubt it.. but wat the heck.. think all i need to remember is to file my POA file(i say i will try and do means i will do..) and start reading up on english.. haha its getting pretty hard to score well in english.. think i must buck up liao..
actually start listening to mdm wan.. haha
went swimming after church today.. that was fun.. haha bt gilton got hit in the head with the pool side barrier.. mow he got 2 dots rite on his nose bridge.. haha his first scar.. think he need bout 200 more times of that to get as many scars as i hav.. haha.. dun really like the scars that i ahv on me.. but i guess it probably means i got high treshold for pain rite? LOL WRONG!! think all my scars is small wan but cause i go peel and pick at it.. haha
after that went home to do even more work on the gardens.. so weird.. we are moving away from this place.. yet some how we do more work on this house then we do in our new wan.. haiz.. just let this place burn and rot to the ground.. thats so much better then just simply making it look nicer.. i swear the next dude hu come and buys this house will probably feel happybout getting a 2500 square feet house but in less then 2 months is gonna really hate the house.. haha but hu the hell cares anyway..
thinking of cutting my hair to botak again.. ppl say i look ok with that.. haha see first.. dun wanna become the next alvin of temasek.. haha
ok la wrote alot.. hope u all had fun reading..
bye bye
unable to attain targetted conversational limit..
haha thats quite a mouth full rite... damn cool...
had quite a lousy weekend.. but had a great week.. haha i guess that kinda balances up the past week.. haha hope next week is the same.. but kinda seriously doubt it.. but wat the heck.. think all i need to remember is to file my POA file(i say i will try and do means i will do..) and start reading up on english.. haha its getting pretty hard to score well in english.. think i must buck up liao..
actually start listening to mdm wan.. haha
went swimming after church today.. that was fun.. haha bt gilton got hit in the head with the pool side barrier.. mow he got 2 dots rite on his nose bridge.. haha his first scar.. think he need bout 200 more times of that to get as many scars as i hav.. haha.. dun really like the scars that i ahv on me.. but i guess it probably means i got high treshold for pain rite? LOL WRONG!! think all my scars is small wan but cause i go peel and pick at it.. haha
after that went home to do even more work on the gardens.. so weird.. we are moving away from this place.. yet some how we do more work on this house then we do in our new wan.. haiz.. just let this place burn and rot to the ground.. thats so much better then just simply making it look nicer.. i swear the next dude hu come and buys this house will probably feel happybout getting a 2500 square feet house but in less then 2 months is gonna really hate the house.. haha but hu the hell cares anyway..
thinking of cutting my hair to botak again.. ppl say i look ok with that.. haha see first.. dun wanna become the next alvin of temasek.. haha
ok la wrote alot.. hope u all had fun reading..
bye bye
Friday, March 03, 2006
Im HaPpY.. sErIoUs..
for the first time in 5 weeks i hv had a wondefull week.. no sianess wat so ever.. wonderful time chatting with other ppl.. learn alot of new stuff in school.. haha hope all my weeks are like that.. of course got the occasional down side.. but nothing a little rest and relax couldnt fix..haha
today was also good.. only bad thing was the bball.. feel like quiting.. every time play like every one not happy like that.. after that went to ACM again.. this time leading a bunch of sec 1s there.. their like so fucking arrogant lor.. they wanna dare tell me tuck in my shirt saying stuff like i tarnish the name of temasek and that seeing as to the fact that we care i cannot tell them response? haha told them to SHUT UP.. but that was kinda before the whole thingy.. during the walk i think they at least had the respect to listen to me la.. haha not that i really said anythin through out the whole thing.. but i guess at least they listened to me when i told them where to go and all.. hmm.. and even when i was following them at least i not sianz.. HAHAHA
nothing else much to say.. just glad i had a worry free school week..
ok bye bye..
for the first time in 5 weeks i hv had a wondefull week.. no sianess wat so ever.. wonderful time chatting with other ppl.. learn alot of new stuff in school.. haha hope all my weeks are like that.. of course got the occasional down side.. but nothing a little rest and relax couldnt fix..haha
today was also good.. only bad thing was the bball.. feel like quiting.. every time play like every one not happy like that.. after that went to ACM again.. this time leading a bunch of sec 1s there.. their like so fucking arrogant lor.. they wanna dare tell me tuck in my shirt saying stuff like i tarnish the name of temasek and that seeing as to the fact that we care i cannot tell them response? haha told them to SHUT UP.. but that was kinda before the whole thingy.. during the walk i think they at least had the respect to listen to me la.. haha not that i really said anythin through out the whole thing.. but i guess at least they listened to me when i told them where to go and all.. hmm.. and even when i was following them at least i not sianz.. HAHAHA
nothing else much to say.. just glad i had a worry free school week..
ok bye bye..
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