Thursday, August 10, 2006

WaSnT tHiS hOlIdAy SuPpOsE tO bE uSeD fOr StUdYiNg??

haha.. 3 days past with me barely even openin a book.. haha... thats not good sia.. still quite far behind on most of my subjects.. haha.. humans in particular.. then is chemistry then POA physics.. english.. think the only subject that im on par is E maths.. haha lets not talk bout A matsh.. that one sure gonna kill me.. haha... think my prelims will be roughly bout 30 points like that.. haha.. no joke sia.. hopefully my parents wont see that results.. haha...

yesturday was national day.. haha.. boin sia.. is like watchin it every year makes it fucking borin sia.. haha.. no point watchin even if u dun remember the songs or wat nonsence.. haha.. i dunknow what im typin??!?!?!?! haha.. and hu the hell was that girl hu sang the theme song for this year ah? never see her in my entire life.. haha.. dun know la..

when forced with a decision... giv up!

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