HaHa.. Im StIlL wOrKiNg At ThE sAmE pLaCe As I dId TwO yEaRs AgO!!
today is a day-off la.. haha so decided to write down some stuff haha.. "write" haha...
lol.. dun know wat to write.. haha listenin to "Dtechno life" haha.. from Bleach.. haha.. my birth day was on the 9th of december.. haha.. but sianz la. haha.. never really understood the significance of a bdae.. haha.. but ok.. thank you to all the ppl hu send me sms and wishes.. haha.. one is enough though.. dun need alot.. haha ^.^
i got a total of two presents this year lol. i got a pair of new headphones from my parents haha.. i decided to get pink.. dipite my mum unhappiness.. haha.. nvm la.. pink is good.. easy to find when im searchin thru my bag and all rite? haha so pink is practical. haha.. my 2nd present was from a guy at work. haha.. intrestin guy.. name is didi.. haha.. dude was a professional dancer for 10 yrs and suddenly decided to be a cleaner.. haha.. earn 16k a month!!! and now settlin with a rough 1k a month.. haha.. funny how some people think eh? anyway.. he gav me a box with two purple bears inside.. haha.. quite nice.. lol.. he labelled it to the purple boy.. haha..
so yes two prsents.. haha.. nice presents.. haha i needed them.. lol.. the headphones cause mine spoilt and the bears to keep my room smellin nce.. hahah..
there was this guy.. haha malay dude.. said he came 2 weeks ago.. and frr 50 dollars he got a note book and 2 lucky draws haha WITHOUT a uob card.. haha
(for those hu dun know.. u can get a free note book for 100 dollars withuob and with uob u can get it at 50 dollars.. haha) so h e was over at the other side of the table abusin his power.. kept tellin people that he did it the last time and that we were very misleadin and very wrong to deny him a note book this time.. he kept goin on and on.. so i decided to take it to him and i went and said that since he know we made a mistake then we should correct it rite? and he said of course u should correct.. haha.. i promtly held out my hand and asked him to return the book.. lol. haha got him to shut up for bout 1 min.. and then u know wat? he just went on and on bout us makin the mistake..haha.. he got lucky this time.. a lady listenin gav him her book to keep him quiet.. haha.. there i was about to say that he was rather foolish to ask me to make another mistake in order to cover up for another mistake.. haha.. so anyway.. bo bian la.. lol.. no chance to argue.. haha.. another time also was this guy hu wanted a luggage but we had run out of stock.. lol.. every thin he asked i gav a perfect rason.. haha.. cause it was all written on to the promotion slip.. haha.. in the end he just laugh and said WELL DONE!! haha so odd.. lol..
so yes.. that just bout the most fun things that hav happened.. unless u count the rat that was playin around in our stock room.. haha.. so big sia.. lol.. bout the size of my answer 9.. haha..
ok la nothin else to say.. haha hope i hav blogged enough for today.. haha..
I can give you the full details of the 2 nuclear bombs used during Nagasaki and Hiroshima in world war two.... but i cant tell you how to act or talk to a girl for my life.... Good Description?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
BaCk By "PoPuLaR" dEmAnD aNd By CoNsIsTeNt BoReDoM!!!
haha im back! lol.. where to begin on wat has happend in the last 3 months.. haha hmmm... ok la.. not gonna blog alot .. will recap in a few simple sentences haha
1. i fail my prelims!!!
2. im gonna fail my Os!!
3. i've graduated but i dun want to!!
4. i havent done anything wat so ever to bring me closer!!
5. i dun know where i wanna go after the os!!
6. i hav quite a pointless job!!
7. im still nervous!!!
8 im still very nervous!!!
9. no body is gonna read this blog!!
haha k.. thats all i will write... if i remember i shall continue to blog and explain in full and uncensored detail about the 9 points above.. haha
haha im back! lol.. where to begin on wat has happend in the last 3 months.. haha hmmm... ok la.. not gonna blog alot .. will recap in a few simple sentences haha
1. i fail my prelims!!!
2. im gonna fail my Os!!
3. i've graduated but i dun want to!!
4. i havent done anything wat so ever to bring me closer!!
5. i dun know where i wanna go after the os!!
6. i hav quite a pointless job!!
7. im still nervous!!!
8 im still very nervous!!!
9. no body is gonna read this blog!!
haha k.. thats all i will write... if i remember i shall continue to blog and explain in full and uncensored detail about the 9 points above.. haha
Saturday, September 30, 2006
loNg TiMe SiNcE i BlOgEd!! HaHa.. WoNdEr WhY?
hmmmmm... lol.. i think i know why its been so long since i blogged.. haha.... cause i got nothin to blog about.. my prelims are over... realize i barely spoke of them throught out my blogs in september.. haha.. thats a sure bust.. no chance of attainin anything less then 25 points.. haha.. but hey PRELIM nia! haha.. seems thats wat every one says.. but sianz sia.. prelims already like 3 week away from the actual stuf.. and here i am happily typin on my computer...
ah well.. haha
tryin to write out a time table for me to study.. i figured the sub i need most attention is A maths and science.. so monday and friday do maths.. then tuesday and thursday do science.. haha wendesday do POA and then sats do humanities.. haha.. possibly saturday can cancel every now and then.. lol.. should be ok.. hahaha... dun think i hav forgotten any subject.. lol.. english should be passive studyin.. so dun need to be planned..
hmmm.. last day of september.. haha happy birthday to shuqi and wendy.. lol.. ppl say on the first day! i say on the last day of the month.. lol...
my O levels are comin.. haha.. dun really feel any urgency. haha i remmeber bout a week ago we were talkin to mubz bout some stuff... and he said the there were students in our class hu got single digit scores for paper 1 in E maths.. haiz.. dunn know la.. hard to be lieve some ppl are even less serious then me in studyin.. haha.. dun know.. mubz said that our gardes drop by 4 each grade in o lvl.. means for me cause i got A2 in maths liao.. u add 17 point to my Ns..
haha. that makes it 28 points.. lol.. where the fuck am i gonna go with 28 points.. haha...
k la.. gonna brood somemore.. seems that wats i do very often.. lol
hmmmmm... lol.. i think i know why its been so long since i blogged.. haha.... cause i got nothin to blog about.. my prelims are over... realize i barely spoke of them throught out my blogs in september.. haha.. thats a sure bust.. no chance of attainin anything less then 25 points.. haha.. but hey PRELIM nia! haha.. seems thats wat every one says.. but sianz sia.. prelims already like 3 week away from the actual stuf.. and here i am happily typin on my computer...
ah well.. haha
tryin to write out a time table for me to study.. i figured the sub i need most attention is A maths and science.. so monday and friday do maths.. then tuesday and thursday do science.. haha wendesday do POA and then sats do humanities.. haha.. possibly saturday can cancel every now and then.. lol.. should be ok.. hahaha... dun think i hav forgotten any subject.. lol.. english should be passive studyin.. so dun need to be planned..
hmmm.. last day of september.. haha happy birthday to shuqi and wendy.. lol.. ppl say on the first day! i say on the last day of the month.. lol...
my O levels are comin.. haha.. dun really feel any urgency. haha i remmeber bout a week ago we were talkin to mubz bout some stuff... and he said the there were students in our class hu got single digit scores for paper 1 in E maths.. haiz.. dunn know la.. hard to be lieve some ppl are even less serious then me in studyin.. haha.. dun know.. mubz said that our gardes drop by 4 each grade in o lvl.. means for me cause i got A2 in maths liao.. u add 17 point to my Ns..
haha. that makes it 28 points.. lol.. where the fuck am i gonna go with 28 points.. haha...
k la.. gonna brood somemore.. seems that wats i do very often.. lol
Saturday, September 16, 2006
ThInK tHiS iS kInDa CoOl...
haha saw this on friendster.. decided to use.. lol..
i've done 73 of these things..
[1] I have read a book before
[ ] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
[ ] I have been to Canada.
[] I have been on some sort of sports team.
[2] I have watched cartoons for hours before
[3] I have tripped UP the stairs.
[4 ] have fallen down an entire flight of stairs. (Does jumpin down the stairs count?)
[ 5] have been snowboarding/skiing. (Loved it!! damn fun)
[6] I have played ping pong.
[7] I swam in the ocean.
[8 ] I have been on a whale watch.
[9] I have seen fireworks.
[10] I have seen a shooting star.
[ ] I have seen a meteor shower.
[11] I have almost drowned.
[12] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to ( Countless times.. hmm..)
[13] I have listened to one cd over & over & over
[14] I have had stitch(es).
[ 15] I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
[16] I have stayed up til 6am doing homework /projects.(fnn project la..deadline)
[17] I currently have a job.
[18 ] I have been ice skating. (Think skiing was btter though)
[20] I have been rollerblading.
[21] I have fallen flat on my face.
[22] I have tripped over my own two feet.
[23] I have been in a fist fight.
[24 ] I have played videogames/com for more than 3 hours straight.
[25] I have watched The Power Rangers before.
[ 26] I do / have attended Church regularly. (Theres a HAVE there..)
[27] I have played truth or dare.
[28] I have already had my 16th birthday.
[29] I have already had my 17th birthday.
[30] I've called someone stupid. And meant it.
[31] I've been in a verbal argument.
[32] I've cried in school
[ ] I've played basketball on a team.
[ ] I've played softball on a team.
[ ] I've played football on a team.
[] I've played soccer on a team.
[] I've done cheerleading on a team.
[] I've swam on a team.
[33] I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
[ ] I've bungee jumped. (Always wanted to)
[34] I've climbed a rock wall before.
[35] I've lost more than $20. (Hell... i lost more then 200 dollars!!)
[36] I've called myself an idiot
[37] I've called someone else an idiot
[] I've cried myself to sleep
[38] I've had (or have) pets.
[39 ]I've owned a Spice Girls cd. and or tape
[40]I''ve owned a Britney Spears cd
[41] I've owned an N*Sync cd
[42] I've owned a Backstreet Boys cd
[ ] I've mooned someone
[43 ] I've sworn at someone in authority
[] I've been in the school newspaper / insights.
[] I've been on TV
[44] I've eaten sushi.
[45] I've been on the other side of a waterfall
[46] I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
[47 ] I've watched all the Harry Potter movies.
[] I've watched the 3 Stooges at least once.
[ 48] I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica. (Fell asleep though.. counted?)
[]49 I've watched Looney Tunes before.
[ ] I've been stuffed into a locker
[50 ] I've been called a geek.
[51 ] I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade. ( I shall count my chinese O levels)
[52] I've not studied at all for a test and aced it. ( O level E maths lor..)
[53] I've met a celebrity / music / TV artist.
[] I've written poetry.
[ ] I've been arrested
[ ] I've(had) been attracted to someone much older than me
[54] I've been tickled till I've cried
[55 ] I've tickled someone else until they cried
[56] I've had / have siblings
[57] I've been to a rock concert (Fort Minor counted?)
[58] I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it
[59] I've been in a play
[ 60] i've been picked last in gym class
[61] I've been picked first in gym class or so
[ 62] Ive been picked in that middle-range in gym
[ 63] I've cried in front of my friends ( Pimary school frens..)
[64] I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages
[65 ] I've freaked out over a sports game
[ 66] I’ve vomited in public
[67] I've washed someone else’s vomit
[ 68] I’ve ran away
[ ] I’ve had a stalker
[] I've had a fight with someone on txt (I not sure wats txt so dun know..)
[69]I've had a fight with someone face-to-face
[ 70] I've been in a car accident
[71] I've forgiven someone who has done something bad to me
[]I've personally seen someone die ( Pray i dont hav to)
[72]I've been confronted by a police officer but got away
[73]I've(had) lost someone who meant the world to me ( I think i lost her..)
ah well.. figured this would giv ppl a better view bout my life then it would any other thing.. so cheers..
haha saw this on friendster.. decided to use.. lol..
i've done 73 of these things..
[1] I have read a book before
[ ] I have run more than 2 miles without stopping.
[ ] I have been to Canada.
[] I have been on some sort of sports team.
[2] I have watched cartoons for hours before
[3] I have tripped UP the stairs.
[4 ] have fallen down an entire flight of stairs. (Does jumpin down the stairs count?)
[ 5] have been snowboarding/skiing. (Loved it!! damn fun)
[6] I have played ping pong.
[7] I swam in the ocean.
[8 ] I have been on a whale watch.
[9] I have seen fireworks.
[10] I have seen a shooting star.
[ ] I have seen a meteor shower.
[11] I have almost drowned.
[12] I have been so embarrassed I wanted to ( Countless times.. hmm..)
[13] I have listened to one cd over & over & over
[14] I have had stitch(es).
[ 15] I have licked a frozen pole and got stuck there.
[16] I have stayed up til 6am doing homework /projects.(fnn project la..deadline)
[17] I currently have a job.
[18 ] I have been ice skating. (Think skiing was btter though)
[20] I have been rollerblading.
[21] I have fallen flat on my face.
[22] I have tripped over my own two feet.
[23] I have been in a fist fight.
[24 ] I have played videogames/com for more than 3 hours straight.
[25] I have watched The Power Rangers before.
[ 26] I do / have attended Church regularly. (Theres a HAVE there..)
[27] I have played truth or dare.
[28] I have already had my 16th birthday.
[29] I have already had my 17th birthday.
[30] I've called someone stupid. And meant it.
[31] I've been in a verbal argument.
[32] I've cried in school
[ ] I've played basketball on a team.
[ ] I've played softball on a team.
[ ] I've played football on a team.
[] I've played soccer on a team.
[] I've done cheerleading on a team.
[] I've swam on a team.
[33] I've been swimming more than 20 times in my life.
[ ] I've bungee jumped. (Always wanted to)
[34] I've climbed a rock wall before.
[35] I've lost more than $20. (Hell... i lost more then 200 dollars!!)
[36] I've called myself an idiot
[37] I've called someone else an idiot
[] I've cried myself to sleep
[38] I've had (or have) pets.
[39 ]I've owned a Spice Girls cd. and or tape
[40]I''ve owned a Britney Spears cd
[41] I've owned an N*Sync cd
[42] I've owned a Backstreet Boys cd
[ ] I've mooned someone
[43 ] I've sworn at someone in authority
[] I've been in the school newspaper / insights.
[] I've been on TV
[44] I've eaten sushi.
[45] I've been on the other side of a waterfall
[46] I've watched all of the Lord of the Rings movies.
[47 ] I've watched all the Harry Potter movies.
[] I've watched the 3 Stooges at least once.
[ 48] I've watched "Newlyweds" Nick & Jessica. (Fell asleep though.. counted?)
[]49 I've watched Looney Tunes before.
[ ] I've been stuffed into a locker
[50 ] I've been called a geek.
[51 ] I've studied hard for a test and got a bad grade. ( I shall count my chinese O levels)
[52] I've not studied at all for a test and aced it. ( O level E maths lor..)
[53] I've met a celebrity / music / TV artist.
[] I've written poetry.
[ ] I've been arrested
[ ] I've(had) been attracted to someone much older than me
[54] I've been tickled till I've cried
[55 ] I've tickled someone else until they cried
[56] I've had / have siblings
[57] I've been to a rock concert (Fort Minor counted?)
[58] I've listened to classical music and enjoyed it
[59] I've been in a play
[ 60] i've been picked last in gym class
[61] I've been picked first in gym class or so
[ 62] Ive been picked in that middle-range in gym
[ 63] I've cried in front of my friends ( Pimary school frens..)
[64] I've read a book longer than 1,000 pages
[65 ] I've freaked out over a sports game
[ 66] I’ve vomited in public
[67] I've washed someone else’s vomit
[ 68] I’ve ran away
[ ] I’ve had a stalker
[] I've had a fight with someone on txt (I not sure wats txt so dun know..)
[69]I've had a fight with someone face-to-face
[ 70] I've been in a car accident
[71] I've forgiven someone who has done something bad to me
[]I've personally seen someone die ( Pray i dont hav to)
[72]I've been confronted by a police officer but got away
[73]I've(had) lost someone who meant the world to me ( I think i lost her..)
ah well.. figured this would giv ppl a better view bout my life then it would any other thing.. so cheers..
Monday, September 11, 2006
2 MoRe MoNtHs To Go!!!
haiz.. i so dun wan thi next two months.. prefer it to be like 2 more years. haha then at least can slack abit.. hahahope and pray that i can get thru to poly la.. haha.. shall see my prelims. if my prelims is good then i chiong.. if bad i chiong ut the window.. haha.. good luck to me sia.. lol..
shall not talk about to day.. cause if u ask me was kinda boring la.. so heck..
alot of things happenin this month.. fell kinda suicidal rite about now.. haha..
haiz.. i so dun wan thi next two months.. prefer it to be like 2 more years. haha then at least can slack abit.. hahahope and pray that i can get thru to poly la.. haha.. shall see my prelims. if my prelims is good then i chiong.. if bad i chiong ut the window.. haha.. good luck to me sia.. lol..
shall not talk about to day.. cause if u ask me was kinda boring la.. so heck..
alot of things happenin this month.. fell kinda suicidal rite about now.. haha..
Thursday, September 07, 2006
DaMn Im TiReD!!
haha.. wooo first time in bout 6 days i was out of th ehouse for more then 12 hours.. haha... lucky early mornin decided to bring 2 extra shirts.. if not now also think bello would hav died from my fumes.. haha..
motivation camp was nice.. haha.. first part ramesh let us watch a few scenes from sea biscuit.. haha nice show sia.. is bout this guy not built for horse racin hu became one of th best horse racers and a horse not built for racin hu became the best horse.. haha.. nice la the show.. very touching.. then after that ramesh asked us to rite down push factors that will make us study... then we all read them out.. haha mine was cause i didnt want to disappoint my mum... and didnt want to get some lousy course that i didnt like in poly.. after all of us read it out.. suddenly ramesh blew his top.. scold us cause none of us alked very specific and all of us never said anythin bout bein above average.. haha.. after that told us about the jews.. and the ghettos and how the nazis systematically destroyed the jews.. quite sad la... after that he kinda summed it all up.. tellin us we needed time management and spirit management.. haha.. finnaly he talked bout da vinci and how that guy spent a year and a half workin on wat he should be drawin before actually drawing it.. haha after that sang some songs.. was really quite nice la.. but no motivation.. haha.. heck..
kk bye.. wont tell u wat i did after motivation. haha
haha.. wooo first time in bout 6 days i was out of th ehouse for more then 12 hours.. haha... lucky early mornin decided to bring 2 extra shirts.. if not now also think bello would hav died from my fumes.. haha..
motivation camp was nice.. haha.. first part ramesh let us watch a few scenes from sea biscuit.. haha nice show sia.. is bout this guy not built for horse racin hu became one of th best horse racers and a horse not built for racin hu became the best horse.. haha.. nice la the show.. very touching.. then after that ramesh asked us to rite down push factors that will make us study... then we all read them out.. haha mine was cause i didnt want to disappoint my mum... and didnt want to get some lousy course that i didnt like in poly.. after all of us read it out.. suddenly ramesh blew his top.. scold us cause none of us alked very specific and all of us never said anythin bout bein above average.. haha.. after that told us about the jews.. and the ghettos and how the nazis systematically destroyed the jews.. quite sad la... after that he kinda summed it all up.. tellin us we needed time management and spirit management.. haha.. finnaly he talked bout da vinci and how that guy spent a year and a half workin on wat he should be drawin before actually drawing it.. haha after that sang some songs.. was really quite nice la.. but no motivation.. haha.. heck..
kk bye.. wont tell u wat i did after motivation. haha
Monday, September 04, 2006
HaHa.. LoOk At ThIs!!!

damn neat rite!!
posibility that this photo might not come out.. or it could also be big ass.. haha.. sorry i stil learnin how to use photo bucket.. haha.. anyway.. i room neat rite?? haha spent the last housr siftin thru my endless piles of notes and finnaly threw away 90 percent of it.. haha.. hope it wont affect me in the long run!! haha.. cheers
need to really start studyin now.. haha main reason why i cleaned up my room.. haha also cause it was damn dirty la.. haha i walk around also got cut on the foot.. haha.. dun know by wat.. it was either a nail clipper or a lighter.. haha.. not sure.. still pain though.. haha..
been stuck in the house for a rough 4 days.. haha friday,sat,sun and today.. haha think tml also i stayin at home.. no body ask me out anyway.. haha.. so heck.. stay at home.. 3 hours helbreath, 3 hours sleep 3 hours study.. haha 8 hour real sleep 1 hour bath and 6 hours worth of eatin.. haha cheers.. im a damn healthy guy.. haha

damn neat rite!!
posibility that this photo might not come out.. or it could also be big ass.. haha.. sorry i stil learnin how to use photo bucket.. haha.. anyway.. i room neat rite?? haha spent the last housr siftin thru my endless piles of notes and finnaly threw away 90 percent of it.. haha.. hope it wont affect me in the long run!! haha.. cheers
need to really start studyin now.. haha main reason why i cleaned up my room.. haha also cause it was damn dirty la.. haha i walk around also got cut on the foot.. haha.. dun know by wat.. it was either a nail clipper or a lighter.. haha.. not sure.. still pain though.. haha..
been stuck in the house for a rough 4 days.. haha friday,sat,sun and today.. haha think tml also i stayin at home.. no body ask me out anyway.. haha.. so heck.. stay at home.. 3 hours helbreath, 3 hours sleep 3 hours study.. haha 8 hour real sleep 1 hour bath and 6 hours worth of eatin.. haha cheers.. im a damn healthy guy.. haha
Thursday, August 31, 2006
HaPpY tEaChErS dAy..
haha happy teachers day.. haha not bad la this year the celebration.. little bit more toned down form the previous years but still good.. yes still good.. haha.. woke up bout 5 am.. haha.. blah blah blah.. manage to get some sleep durin the concert.. haha.. president came though.. very cute sia.. he so small.. tuck his shirt in so high... haha like a smurf! haha.. ok very mean.. sorry sorry..
haha.. made a joke bout nasri.. he said that during his 6 years in the temasek school he is ( then i shouted LONG OVER DUE!! GET OUT) very proud to be in our class.. haha.. but funny thing was that he laugh at my joke even though it was about him.. haha.. absolutely norage in him.. just pure humour.. haha.. good ppl like that are rare.. mostly u just get the "i like to make fun but if u make fun of me i kill u" type of attitude.. haha..
it also seems as if several ppl in the class hav somethin against me.. haha dun know bout that.. dun really care.. haha..
haha happy teachers day.. haha not bad la this year the celebration.. little bit more toned down form the previous years but still good.. yes still good.. haha.. woke up bout 5 am.. haha.. blah blah blah.. manage to get some sleep durin the concert.. haha.. president came though.. very cute sia.. he so small.. tuck his shirt in so high... haha like a smurf! haha.. ok very mean.. sorry sorry..
haha.. made a joke bout nasri.. he said that during his 6 years in the temasek school he is ( then i shouted LONG OVER DUE!! GET OUT) very proud to be in our class.. haha.. but funny thing was that he laugh at my joke even though it was about him.. haha.. absolutely norage in him.. just pure humour.. haha.. good ppl like that are rare.. mostly u just get the "i like to make fun but if u make fun of me i kill u" type of attitude.. haha..
it also seems as if several ppl in the class hav somethin against me.. haha dun know bout that.. dun really care.. haha..
Monday, August 28, 2006
PrElImS tMl AnD iM oVeR hErE sLaCkInG.. hAhA
ah well.. not that im cocky or wat.. haha heck.. i got like 0 problems with goin to ite.. haha.. no frens in tms no frens in ite also rite? haha.. so no diff.. heck care..
think i will most likely fail my prelims with bout 30-35 points.. haha no regrets there..
im so completely unready for my o levels..
tryin to quit bball.. haha.. probably gonna fail in it too..
kor kor kel lent me his klein bike for 2 weeks.. haha.. we shall see whether i can prove my self to him.. haha.. good luck to me for that.. cheers..
smile? haha just like in my sec 2 class photo..
ah well.. not that im cocky or wat.. haha heck.. i got like 0 problems with goin to ite.. haha.. no frens in tms no frens in ite also rite? haha.. so no diff.. heck care..
think i will most likely fail my prelims with bout 30-35 points.. haha no regrets there..
im so completely unready for my o levels..
tryin to quit bball.. haha.. probably gonna fail in it too..
kor kor kel lent me his klein bike for 2 weeks.. haha.. we shall see whether i can prove my self to him.. haha.. good luck to me for that.. cheers..
smile? haha just like in my sec 2 class photo..
Monday, August 21, 2006
CrAmPs.. CrAmPs.. BeYoNd PAiN..
hurts la sial.. played like 15 mins of full court bball then immediately cramped my worse cramp ever.. hurt like hell.. now y calf still kinda sore.. hiaz.. next time most warm up properly..
arvind got canned today.. finaly got to see a canning after 5 years in temasek.. kinda sad really.. must hav hurt quite alot.. after that we got a talk from sara and then mubarak.. and then arvind came in and said sorry to us for makin noise and distracting us in class.. haha.. well i wonder if he really knows that he is a distraction.. nvm nvm.. arvind a good guy.. little bit rash but good anyway..
got 16 and a half for POA test.. i beat mahdi by half mark.. considerin that he beat me by half the other test i would say that we are rather even in our POA skills.. and miss soh says that we hav to score more then wat we scored for our midyears in our prelims.. i think i rather safe.. considerin that i got 15 marks for my midyears.. should be quite easy to get better then that.. haha.. so heck.. not gonna study.. think the only exam i will study for is A maths.. and probably science.. other then that im just gonna fail.. humans also no hope.. POa should be ok.. english should be a just pass.. so think i should be able to survive and show to the teachers that i hav woken up..
kk nothin else to say
hurts la sial.. played like 15 mins of full court bball then immediately cramped my worse cramp ever.. hurt like hell.. now y calf still kinda sore.. hiaz.. next time most warm up properly..
arvind got canned today.. finaly got to see a canning after 5 years in temasek.. kinda sad really.. must hav hurt quite alot.. after that we got a talk from sara and then mubarak.. and then arvind came in and said sorry to us for makin noise and distracting us in class.. haha.. well i wonder if he really knows that he is a distraction.. nvm nvm.. arvind a good guy.. little bit rash but good anyway..
got 16 and a half for POA test.. i beat mahdi by half mark.. considerin that he beat me by half the other test i would say that we are rather even in our POA skills.. and miss soh says that we hav to score more then wat we scored for our midyears in our prelims.. i think i rather safe.. considerin that i got 15 marks for my midyears.. should be quite easy to get better then that.. haha.. so heck.. not gonna study.. think the only exam i will study for is A maths.. and probably science.. other then that im just gonna fail.. humans also no hope.. POa should be ok.. english should be a just pass.. so think i should be able to survive and show to the teachers that i hav woken up..
kk nothin else to say
Friday, August 18, 2006
Im So LoSt..
im so lost.. i hav no idea wat im doin every day sia..
really.. its like im not thinkin in school.. and when i come home im either not thinkin.. or cant be bothered to think.. haiz.. my minds a complete void.. haha.. havent learnt a ingle thing in school for the past 3 weeks.. realized that like one hour ago.. i dun know anythin.. haha.. im guessin that that cause i never really hav anythin to remember bout in class.. haha
fuck it!
im so lost.. i hav no idea wat im doin every day sia..
really.. its like im not thinkin in school.. and when i come home im either not thinkin.. or cant be bothered to think.. haiz.. my minds a complete void.. haha.. havent learnt a ingle thing in school for the past 3 weeks.. realized that like one hour ago.. i dun know anythin.. haha.. im guessin that that cause i never really hav anythin to remember bout in class.. haha
fuck it!
Monday, August 14, 2006
NeVeR eVeR nEvEr EvEr AgAiN!!!
haah i hate mornin digest.. made a fool out of my self today.. haha
comin up to do mornin digest was easy sia.. haha actually if u ask me it went quite well untill i got cocky and decided to look up at every one.. haha mistake sa.. i saw edwin's entire class all staring at me even though shuqi was speakin.. immediately startes to shake sia.. wah was damn scary sia.. all the eyes starin at me.. haha after that was like shit.. i started to read really fastt ill the end.. and my shirt came out.. and mrs ong scolded me..
FUCK LA.. damn fucked up sia.. i so didnt want to do this.. haiz.. tot i could just sit at my place and watch other ppl do it.. haiz.. in the end think i was probably the worst person so far to read mornin digest.. haiz.. nvm its over and im gonna forget bout it..
i got my new phone liao.. haha.. wonderin whether i should make some new entries into my phone book.. haha.. dun know la.. haha.. its the nokia 3250 music.. haha.. love the phone sia.. its got all the qualities that i like.. haha its got a twist! haha same as my old phone.. and somemore its got a big key pad.. same as my old phone.. haha.. only problem is that is had this big NOKIA word on its back.. haha must find a way to remover it.. haha and 2nd is that it has a joystick for its navigation tool.. haha sianz.. i hate joysticks.. the hurt ur thumb when u got no nails.. so very sianz.. haha on the whole its a good phone la.. oh ya another setback would be that it cant hook up to my com.. haha if i had known pirated windows cannot upgrade and get service pack two i wouldnt hav been so rushed to reformat my com sia.. haha.. but nvm. i hav a com and its mine! but yes. the phone i gotta hook up to my mums com.. but is ok la.. worth it.. haha
failed my chinese O levels.. cant really say im surprised.. cant really say that i deserved it.. and cant really say that im gonna try harder this time.. haha funny thing bout it.. i passmy oral and listenin.. means i got 25% of the entire paper overrall... now i got F9 which means 30% and below.. does that mean that for my paper one and paper two cimbined i got 5% and less? haha.. thats wat kinda puts me off.. its damn depressing.. haiz.. but nvm la..i already hav another o level cert in the bag.. time to concentrate on all the others and score for them.. haha..
i learned today that some girls are actually quite afraid of tasin.. but nvm. haha
(when forced with a decision. GIVE UP) my new motto! haha
haah i hate mornin digest.. made a fool out of my self today.. haha
comin up to do mornin digest was easy sia.. haha actually if u ask me it went quite well untill i got cocky and decided to look up at every one.. haha mistake sa.. i saw edwin's entire class all staring at me even though shuqi was speakin.. immediately startes to shake sia.. wah was damn scary sia.. all the eyes starin at me.. haha after that was like shit.. i started to read really fastt ill the end.. and my shirt came out.. and mrs ong scolded me..
FUCK LA.. damn fucked up sia.. i so didnt want to do this.. haiz.. tot i could just sit at my place and watch other ppl do it.. haiz.. in the end think i was probably the worst person so far to read mornin digest.. haiz.. nvm its over and im gonna forget bout it..
i got my new phone liao.. haha.. wonderin whether i should make some new entries into my phone book.. haha.. dun know la.. haha.. its the nokia 3250 music.. haha.. love the phone sia.. its got all the qualities that i like.. haha its got a twist! haha same as my old phone.. and somemore its got a big key pad.. same as my old phone.. haha.. only problem is that is had this big NOKIA word on its back.. haha must find a way to remover it.. haha and 2nd is that it has a joystick for its navigation tool.. haha sianz.. i hate joysticks.. the hurt ur thumb when u got no nails.. so very sianz.. haha on the whole its a good phone la.. oh ya another setback would be that it cant hook up to my com.. haha if i had known pirated windows cannot upgrade and get service pack two i wouldnt hav been so rushed to reformat my com sia.. haha.. but nvm. i hav a com and its mine! but yes. the phone i gotta hook up to my mums com.. but is ok la.. worth it.. haha
failed my chinese O levels.. cant really say im surprised.. cant really say that i deserved it.. and cant really say that im gonna try harder this time.. haha funny thing bout it.. i passmy oral and listenin.. means i got 25% of the entire paper overrall... now i got F9 which means 30% and below.. does that mean that for my paper one and paper two cimbined i got 5% and less? haha.. thats wat kinda puts me off.. its damn depressing.. haiz.. but nvm la..i already hav another o level cert in the bag.. time to concentrate on all the others and score for them.. haha..
i learned today that some girls are actually quite afraid of tasin.. but nvm. haha
(when forced with a decision. GIVE UP) my new motto! haha
Thursday, August 10, 2006
WaSnT tHiS hOlIdAy SuPpOsE tO bE uSeD fOr StUdYiNg??
haha.. 3 days past with me barely even openin a book.. haha... thats not good sia.. still quite far behind on most of my subjects.. haha.. humans in particular.. then is chemistry then POA physics.. english.. think the only subject that im on par is E maths.. haha lets not talk bout A matsh.. that one sure gonna kill me.. haha... think my prelims will be roughly bout 30 points like that.. haha.. no joke sia.. hopefully my parents wont see that results.. haha...
yesturday was national day.. haha.. boin sia.. is like watchin it every year makes it fucking borin sia.. haha.. no point watchin even if u dun remember the songs or wat nonsence.. haha.. i dunknow what im typin??!?!?!?! haha.. and hu the hell was that girl hu sang the theme song for this year ah? never see her in my entire life.. haha.. dun know la..
when forced with a decision... giv up!
haha.. 3 days past with me barely even openin a book.. haha... thats not good sia.. still quite far behind on most of my subjects.. haha.. humans in particular.. then is chemistry then POA physics.. english.. think the only subject that im on par is E maths.. haha lets not talk bout A matsh.. that one sure gonna kill me.. haha... think my prelims will be roughly bout 30 points like that.. haha.. no joke sia.. hopefully my parents wont see that results.. haha...
yesturday was national day.. haha.. boin sia.. is like watchin it every year makes it fucking borin sia.. haha.. no point watchin even if u dun remember the songs or wat nonsence.. haha.. i dunknow what im typin??!?!?!?! haha.. and hu the hell was that girl hu sang the theme song for this year ah? never see her in my entire life.. haha.. dun know la..
when forced with a decision... giv up!
Monday, August 07, 2006
100 PoSt?? TiMe FoR cElEBrAtIoN??
lol.. haha 100 posts and im stillno where closer to reachin my goal.. haha.. ah well heckk...
no bball officially today.. but we did play like crazy.. haha had a 5 on 5 cannot remmeber hu on hu.. haha i thinki was with johnny, mahdi and me. plus 2 other guys.. v arvind tong and dun know hu else la.. haha anway that was fun.. finally manage to block some one.. haha... kk anyway cheers..
doin mornin diegest on monday.. hha cheers to that too..
kk back very pain..
lol.. haha 100 posts and im stillno where closer to reachin my goal.. haha.. ah well heckk...
no bball officially today.. but we did play like crazy.. haha had a 5 on 5 cannot remmeber hu on hu.. haha i thinki was with johnny, mahdi and me. plus 2 other guys.. v arvind tong and dun know hu else la.. haha anway that was fun.. finally manage to block some one.. haha... kk anyway cheers..
doin mornin diegest on monday.. hha cheers to that too..
kk back very pain..
Sunday, August 06, 2006
60 DaYs To My O lEvElS aNd I sTiLl CaN fInD tImE tO bLoG...
holy holy holy... 60 days left till o levels.. haha.. minus away week end it become 47 days.. then minus away national day,teachers day, prelims... its bout 30 studyin days.. haha.. how the hell do u recap 3 years of education in 30 days? haha look like im gonna die!! haha
mornin digest is hard! haha i think me and shuqi wrote bout 3 drafts.. haha the first one was starting good endin bad... 2nd one same.. haha the third was good but think we gonna redo la.. haha .. no longer have to do a speech on NDP anyway.. haha... any good ideas? haha
tml is monday! means we got another match against the sec 1s haha.. hopefully they still wanna play against us.. haha.. we dun bully them anyway.. if we really bully.. the score would be like.. 80+ to 0 haha...
kk very hungry.. gonna make food...
holy holy holy... 60 days left till o levels.. haha.. minus away week end it become 47 days.. then minus away national day,teachers day, prelims... its bout 30 studyin days.. haha.. how the hell do u recap 3 years of education in 30 days? haha look like im gonna die!! haha
mornin digest is hard! haha i think me and shuqi wrote bout 3 drafts.. haha the first one was starting good endin bad... 2nd one same.. haha the third was good but think we gonna redo la.. haha .. no longer have to do a speech on NDP anyway.. haha... any good ideas? haha
tml is monday! means we got another match against the sec 1s haha.. hopefully they still wanna play against us.. haha.. we dun bully them anyway.. if we really bully.. the score would be like.. 80+ to 0 haha...
kk very hungry.. gonna make food...
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
In ThE mOoD fOr WrItInG sTuFf..
haha i just spent the last 2 hours writin out my FIRST draft for mornin digest.. haiz.. i hate speechs.. especially if i hav to giv the speech.. theres always that minor chance that some thing will happen and u make a fool out of your self.. haha will that happen to me? haha i hope not.. llol.. if it does think i will quit school and move to so rundown village in china where no on will ever recognize me.. haha.. cheers..
played full court against the same bunch of sec ones again.. haha they are inprovin.. scored 5 more then the last time.. haha unfortunately the still hav yet to perfet their passin and as a result, come off with alot of turnovers and stupid arguements.. haha
ivan chan operation was a success, i think.. he still can sms so it should be a good thing rite? haha.. just pray for him la.. he will be fine! i hav faith..
wat else to say? ive gone back to bein short haired.. dun really care bout my hair anymore.. seriously feel like cuttin army style and heck bout it.. haha but shall think bout that decision.. hairstylist says must gel my hair every day then nice.. haha i told her its irritating then she just walk away.. haha heck..
rite sleep liao GOOD NITE!
haha i just spent the last 2 hours writin out my FIRST draft for mornin digest.. haiz.. i hate speechs.. especially if i hav to giv the speech.. theres always that minor chance that some thing will happen and u make a fool out of your self.. haha will that happen to me? haha i hope not.. llol.. if it does think i will quit school and move to so rundown village in china where no on will ever recognize me.. haha.. cheers..
played full court against the same bunch of sec ones again.. haha they are inprovin.. scored 5 more then the last time.. haha unfortunately the still hav yet to perfet their passin and as a result, come off with alot of turnovers and stupid arguements.. haha
ivan chan operation was a success, i think.. he still can sms so it should be a good thing rite? haha.. just pray for him la.. he will be fine! i hav faith..
wat else to say? ive gone back to bein short haired.. dun really care bout my hair anymore.. seriously feel like cuttin army style and heck bout it.. haha but shall think bout that decision.. hairstylist says must gel my hair every day then nice.. haha i told her its irritating then she just walk away.. haha heck..
rite sleep liao GOOD NITE!
Monday, July 31, 2006
A few questions that I need to know,
how you could ever hurt me so,
I need to know what I've done wrong,
and how long it's been going on,
Was it that I never paid enough attention?
Or did I not give not affection?
Not only will your answers keep me sane
but I'll know never to make the same mistake again.
You can tell me to my face or even on the phone.
You can write it in a letter, either way, I have to know.
Did I never treat you right?
Did I always start the fight?
Either way, I'm going out of my mind,
all the answers to my questions,
I have to find.
My head's spinning,
boy, I'm in a daze,
I feel isolated,
don't wanna communicate,
I'll take a shower, I will scour,
I will roam.....
To find peace of mind,
the happy mind,I once owned, yeah.
Flexing vocabulary runs right through me,
the alphabet runs right from A to Z,
Conversations, hesitations in my mind,
You got my conscience asking questions that I can't find,
I'm not crazy, I'm sure I ain't done nothing wrong,
I'm just waiting, 'cause I heard this feeling
won't last that long.
Never Ever have I ever felt so low,
When you gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never Ever have I ever felt so sad,
The way I'm feeling yeah, you got me feeling really bad,
Never Ever have I had to find,
I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind,
I've Never Ever had my conscience to fight,
The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right. x2
I'll keep searching deep within my soul,
For all the answers, I don't wanna hurt no more,
I need peace, got to feel at ease, need to be.......
Free from pain, I'm going insane, my heart aches, yeah.
Sometimes vocabulary runs right through my head,
the alphabet runs right from A to Z ,
Conversations, hesitations in my mind,
You got my conscience asking questions that I can't find,
I'm not crazy, I'm sure I ain't done nothing wrong,
I'm just waiting, 'cause I heard this feeling won't
last that long.
Never Ever have I ever felt so low,
When you gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never Ever have I ever felt so sad,
The way I'm feeling yeah, you got me feeling really bad,
Never Ever have I had to find,
I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind,
I've Never Ever had my conscience to fight,
The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right. x4
You can tell me to my face,You can tell me on the phone,
Uh, You can write it in a letter, babe,'Cause I really
need to know.
You can tell me to my face,You can tell me on the phone,
Uh, You can write it in a letter, babe,'Cause I really
need to know.
You can write it in a letter, babe,You can write it in a
letter, babe.
cheers.. damn sad.. haha bloody old song.. haha
like it alot though...
how you could ever hurt me so,
I need to know what I've done wrong,
and how long it's been going on,
Was it that I never paid enough attention?
Or did I not give not affection?
Not only will your answers keep me sane
but I'll know never to make the same mistake again.
You can tell me to my face or even on the phone.
You can write it in a letter, either way, I have to know.
Did I never treat you right?
Did I always start the fight?
Either way, I'm going out of my mind,
all the answers to my questions,
I have to find.
My head's spinning,
boy, I'm in a daze,
I feel isolated,
don't wanna communicate,
I'll take a shower, I will scour,
I will roam.....
To find peace of mind,
the happy mind,I once owned, yeah.
Flexing vocabulary runs right through me,
the alphabet runs right from A to Z,
Conversations, hesitations in my mind,
You got my conscience asking questions that I can't find,
I'm not crazy, I'm sure I ain't done nothing wrong,
I'm just waiting, 'cause I heard this feeling
won't last that long.
Never Ever have I ever felt so low,
When you gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never Ever have I ever felt so sad,
The way I'm feeling yeah, you got me feeling really bad,
Never Ever have I had to find,
I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind,
I've Never Ever had my conscience to fight,
The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right. x2
I'll keep searching deep within my soul,
For all the answers, I don't wanna hurt no more,
I need peace, got to feel at ease, need to be.......
Free from pain, I'm going insane, my heart aches, yeah.
Sometimes vocabulary runs right through my head,
the alphabet runs right from A to Z ,
Conversations, hesitations in my mind,
You got my conscience asking questions that I can't find,
I'm not crazy, I'm sure I ain't done nothing wrong,
I'm just waiting, 'cause I heard this feeling won't
last that long.
Never Ever have I ever felt so low,
When you gonna take me out of this black hole?
Never Ever have I ever felt so sad,
The way I'm feeling yeah, you got me feeling really bad,
Never Ever have I had to find,
I've had to dig away to find my own peace of mind,
I've Never Ever had my conscience to fight,
The way I'm feeling, yeah, I just don't feel right. x4
You can tell me to my face,You can tell me on the phone,
Uh, You can write it in a letter, babe,'Cause I really
need to know.
You can tell me to my face,You can tell me on the phone,
Uh, You can write it in a letter, babe,'Cause I really
need to know.
You can write it in a letter, babe,You can write it in a
letter, babe.
cheers.. damn sad.. haha bloody old song.. haha
like it alot though...
Friday, July 28, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
OwIe!! OwIe... HaHa... BaD iDeAs JuSt SeEm To CoMe To My MiNd So EaSiLy....
haha.. its hurts... yes.. haha but i shall talk bout that later.. haha first would be
happy bdae jenny! haha
yes ok.. after that is wy im hurtin.. haha..
today was rather uneventful mostly.. went to school and had no hitches.. haha reach school.. blah blah blah.. after that was PE.. haah now that was fun.. after runnin two rounds round the school we were allowed to hav our own games... so we challenged the secs 1/2 ( i not sure) to a 5v5 full court challenge.. haha fun sia.. think i did quite badly.. 5-11 scorin 10 points, 5 assits, 3 steals, 1 rebound and 0 blocks.. haha.. fun la.. we trashed them like 30-40 something to 7.. haha last one no body do anythin just let them score.. includin this big ass guy takin a 3 pointer.. haha he squatted for like 10 secs then release.. haha i half expected a air ball but actually become a chop sia.. haha...
after Pe was the usual 2 hours of A maths..not really complainin bout it.. was kinda nice.. vonk kept goin on and on bout the fact that she was pregent.. haha.. funny sia that one..
the rest of the day was fine till before SMT..
haha ivan started out by jump up a flight of stairs in 3 steps.. so i tried.. and slowly every one follow.. haha.. eventually zaid made it up in 2 steps and every ne clap.. so anyway.. i was talkin to mahdi bout how jumpin down would be no problem.. haha so he told me to jump and i did.. haha out of 12 steps i clear 11 and on the last one twisted my ankle.. ( i think ) and fell haha.. no pain at first sia.. then when mahdi help me up suddenly a real shot of pain went thru my ankle.. haha.. its been hurtin ever since.. and that was like 3-4 hours ago.. haha.. wish me luck... haha
its probably one of the stupidest things ive done.. haah think number 3 on that list.. haha number one bein the fact that i swollowed 2 twenty cent coins when i was younger and 2 bein the "burn on concrete,not grass" incident.. haha... number 4 is my sprained neck from climbing trees.. and number 5 would be smokin.. haha...
kk gonna put some ice on my ankle now.. ouch.. haha..
haha.. its hurts... yes.. haha but i shall talk bout that later.. haha first would be
happy bdae jenny! haha
yes ok.. after that is wy im hurtin.. haha..
today was rather uneventful mostly.. went to school and had no hitches.. haha reach school.. blah blah blah.. after that was PE.. haah now that was fun.. after runnin two rounds round the school we were allowed to hav our own games... so we challenged the secs 1/2 ( i not sure) to a 5v5 full court challenge.. haha fun sia.. think i did quite badly.. 5-11 scorin 10 points, 5 assits, 3 steals, 1 rebound and 0 blocks.. haha.. fun la.. we trashed them like 30-40 something to 7.. haha last one no body do anythin just let them score.. includin this big ass guy takin a 3 pointer.. haha he squatted for like 10 secs then release.. haha i half expected a air ball but actually become a chop sia.. haha...
after Pe was the usual 2 hours of A maths..not really complainin bout it.. was kinda nice.. vonk kept goin on and on bout the fact that she was pregent.. haha.. funny sia that one..
the rest of the day was fine till before SMT..
haha ivan started out by jump up a flight of stairs in 3 steps.. so i tried.. and slowly every one follow.. haha.. eventually zaid made it up in 2 steps and every ne clap.. so anyway.. i was talkin to mahdi bout how jumpin down would be no problem.. haha so he told me to jump and i did.. haha out of 12 steps i clear 11 and on the last one twisted my ankle.. ( i think ) and fell haha.. no pain at first sia.. then when mahdi help me up suddenly a real shot of pain went thru my ankle.. haha.. its been hurtin ever since.. and that was like 3-4 hours ago.. haha.. wish me luck... haha
its probably one of the stupidest things ive done.. haah think number 3 on that list.. haha number one bein the fact that i swollowed 2 twenty cent coins when i was younger and 2 bein the "burn on concrete,not grass" incident.. haha... number 4 is my sprained neck from climbing trees.. and number 5 would be smokin.. haha...
kk gonna put some ice on my ankle now.. ouch.. haha..
Friday, July 21, 2006
SoMe HoW.. i StIlL tHiNk ThAt Im GoNnA dO bAd FoR mY o LeVeLs....
haha every get that feelin? haha.. like no mattter how much u study u know u will choke and pummel ur o levels haha.. nice? heck la.. i couldnt really care less bout my grades.. haha think at the leats i will get 15 points.. and im actually quite happy with that.. considerin wat the rest of my family and relatives get i would say 15 puts me as perhaps the top 2? haha.. so its good enough.. dun n eed aim for better.. and even if i do get better.. well then at least my target has been hit.. rite? haha thats a flawless plan...
i hav been picked to do mornin digest by my lovely english teacher.. haha.. unfortunately i dun hav a partner and risk havin to do it by my self.. so yes... haha.. ivan chan will be undergoin his operation durin my speech and i hope he gets well soon.. but it also means he cant be my partner.. javier is in another class so i cant pick him.. johnny has very very very KINDLY declined my offer.. and well every one either is taken or i havent tought bout askin u yet... haha oh ya and there shuqi who will only giv an answer after ive written my draft.. which is so close to in-existent.. the closness can be deemed as in-existent...
cant really think of a topic to write about.. every think i hav is just to vague for me to think of anythin.. haha.. was thinkin maybe write bout comedy.. and how to express proper jokes.. but thik im also not tht pro.. haha.. another would be to talk bout human achievment.. haha startin with a few sentences bout some ppl hu did damn well in their careers.. like kobe bryant's 81 point game against the rapters.. or micheal shumaher's 8 races lead in 2004.. haha stuff like that u know.. then i kinda lose the idea or it kinda just doesnt seem write so forget.. haha
i scored 29 for my oral prelims today.. not very good.. last year i scored 34.. so its like a drop in my grades.. haiz.. my english so bad now.. haha.. next time must chiong more english.. haha maybe i will do GP as a private candidate? haha we shall see!!!
k la.. nothin else more to say.. haha.. just that suddenly my handphone seems obselete.. haha
haha every get that feelin? haha.. like no mattter how much u study u know u will choke and pummel ur o levels haha.. nice? heck la.. i couldnt really care less bout my grades.. haha think at the leats i will get 15 points.. and im actually quite happy with that.. considerin wat the rest of my family and relatives get i would say 15 puts me as perhaps the top 2? haha.. so its good enough.. dun n eed aim for better.. and even if i do get better.. well then at least my target has been hit.. rite? haha thats a flawless plan...
i hav been picked to do mornin digest by my lovely english teacher.. haha.. unfortunately i dun hav a partner and risk havin to do it by my self.. so yes... haha.. ivan chan will be undergoin his operation durin my speech and i hope he gets well soon.. but it also means he cant be my partner.. javier is in another class so i cant pick him.. johnny has very very very KINDLY declined my offer.. and well every one either is taken or i havent tought bout askin u yet... haha oh ya and there shuqi who will only giv an answer after ive written my draft.. which is so close to in-existent.. the closness can be deemed as in-existent...
cant really think of a topic to write about.. every think i hav is just to vague for me to think of anythin.. haha.. was thinkin maybe write bout comedy.. and how to express proper jokes.. but thik im also not tht pro.. haha.. another would be to talk bout human achievment.. haha startin with a few sentences bout some ppl hu did damn well in their careers.. like kobe bryant's 81 point game against the rapters.. or micheal shumaher's 8 races lead in 2004.. haha stuff like that u know.. then i kinda lose the idea or it kinda just doesnt seem write so forget.. haha
i scored 29 for my oral prelims today.. not very good.. last year i scored 34.. so its like a drop in my grades.. haiz.. my english so bad now.. haha.. next time must chiong more english.. haha maybe i will do GP as a private candidate? haha we shall see!!!
k la.. nothin else more to say.. haha.. just that suddenly my handphone seems obselete.. haha
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Im DePrEsSeD...
haiz... lifes sux eh.. haha..
several bad things hav happened to me the past week.. haha.. namely.. my hard drive crashin and my sound card goin to wood bridge.. haha.. hard drive is spoilt... less then 2 months after i successfully completing the entire naruto anime into it.. it crashs after i shared it wonder with only one person.. haiz.. ah well.. it sucks big time u know? and also my bleach episodes are taken up too.. haha.. dun know whether to start my collection over again or just heck it.. haha... heck la.. think i now will only watch bleach.. at least i didnt lose so many episodes of bleach.. haha
my sound card crazy! haha my sound for my computer goes UP and down like hell like that.. i hear one song will giv me an ultimate headache sia.. haha.. loud then soft then loud then soft... sianz...
nite study has been good to me.. haha learnt some stuff im quite sure i would not hav able to learn if i did not hav nite study.. so well.. obviously all good things in my life become abrupt ends.. so yes.. mummy has banned me from goin nite study cause its at nite.. haha.. to late.. must come home and sleep u know! haha riteee.... if she says so.. but not really the lost of studyin that the real problem.. is somethin else.. haha.. guess i should heck it to eh? lol.. considered my fuckin bad luck.. haha
haiz... lifes sux eh.. haha..
several bad things hav happened to me the past week.. haha.. namely.. my hard drive crashin and my sound card goin to wood bridge.. haha.. hard drive is spoilt... less then 2 months after i successfully completing the entire naruto anime into it.. it crashs after i shared it wonder with only one person.. haiz.. ah well.. it sucks big time u know? and also my bleach episodes are taken up too.. haha.. dun know whether to start my collection over again or just heck it.. haha... heck la.. think i now will only watch bleach.. at least i didnt lose so many episodes of bleach.. haha
my sound card crazy! haha my sound for my computer goes UP and down like hell like that.. i hear one song will giv me an ultimate headache sia.. haha.. loud then soft then loud then soft... sianz...
nite study has been good to me.. haha learnt some stuff im quite sure i would not hav able to learn if i did not hav nite study.. so well.. obviously all good things in my life become abrupt ends.. so yes.. mummy has banned me from goin nite study cause its at nite.. haha.. to late.. must come home and sleep u know! haha riteee.... if she says so.. but not really the lost of studyin that the real problem.. is somethin else.. haha.. guess i should heck it to eh? lol.. considered my fuckin bad luck.. haha
Saturday, July 08, 2006
JuSt WaT aRe ThE rItE wOrDs To SaY??
haha ever get that point in time where u say some thing and then just cannot think of another phrase to prove it? haah i think i blew my "moment in time" haha...
but wat the heck.. im quite sure chances like that will come about again.. and i can really prove my worth.. haha...
past week has been quite a blur.. haha.. hmmm tryin to think if i did anythin worth talkin about.. haha not really la.. sunday spent majority of the day sellin chocalate... in the end had to buy like 30 bars to save my self from havin to come back and sellin chocalate today.. haha.. think most of the day was good la.. just that we wasted to much time lookin for places to sell our choc.. haha vonk a really good salesperson sia.. haha very happy that she was on our team.. haha we were at raffles place out side.. haha.. think vonk got some kind of empathy towards smokers.. cause most of them listen to her immediately buy choc haha sold so many there.... only pty was that every one wanted to move from there move over to orchard road.. haha and vonk immediately became shag.. haha she became so lethargic.. dun wanna help and sell.. haha.. she was angry cause no one listen to her bout stayin at raffles there and sell.. haha but guess it as ok la.. sold a rough 20 - 25 bars of choc at orchard.. so better then nothin..
monday was ok also.. went to PS to watch the choc day spcial stuff.. then after that met up with wendy shuqi and denise.. while i was with jav and ivan.. haha walk and walk.. think was more tired then anythin else.. haha.. but that place was cool sia.. dun really know where we went..but got alot of nice stuff to look at.. mostly expensive stuff.. but still nice to look at.. haha... at the end went home alone.. haha maybe should hav done somethin but in the end didnt.. haha ivan was sayin i could go back and do it but denise said:" chance is over" so whack la.. haha..
tuesday was normal school stuff.. nothin special.. after that went with shuqi denise wendy and jav to tampines library to study.. haha was very pressurizin in tamp library.. haha i wanted to talk.. but knew i couldnt talk.. so had to bite my lip to shut up.. haha.. but was good.. maaged to finish my POA home work..thats a rare thing! at bout 6 jav had to go so i left with him.. but he had to bolt cause his bus had come liao.. so whack.. callled my mum to ask her pick me up then she said she would need bout 20 mins.. haha so i was stuck outside a library for 20 mins.. haha.. can anyone guess wat i decied to do? lol go in read book la.. haha.. was intendin to go in and read this book i had saw earlier bout the knights templar but saw shuqi on the stair case..haha decided to accompany her to tamppopular to buy some stuff and back.. haha.. on the way back saw my mum on the road... haha kanna scolded by her cause i was suppose to be there and ready by the time she came..haha heck la.. was well worth the scoldin.. haha
wednesday,thursday was kinda the same thing.. haha proved to my self how easily i could break a promise.. haiz.. haha.. but other then that nothin else really... just mostly studyin.. manage to finish all required home work on those two days so yay.. haha
friday was even more borin.. after school went to siglap and play ball then went home and watch rave.. haha not bad sia.. i so far watched bout 30 episodes in two days.. very good progresss... after this got gate keepers to watch and then naruto haha.. think now my only escape from chool stress is thru the anime. haha...
today ah.. nth special.. went with aunty tin shaun and jie jie to go and help deliver food to needy ppl.. haha turned out our normal route to do stuff was alreayd taken by a new guy so whack.. haha didnt need to do anythin.. haha... aunty tin brought us over to simpang bedok to eat lunch.. i had one milo dino plus 2 cheese prata and 2 paper prata.. haha nice sia.. but think i dun wanna eat liao.. saw the guy make th epaper prata.. haiz.. he almost like pour butter over the prata sia.. haiz.. so fattenin. haha... after that wen home to swim for bout half hour and then went to meet chan with my sis watch the superman movie..haha nice sia.. got one part where they wanted to giv him an injection but the needle broke when it touch his skin.. haha funny sia.. after movie went home and decided to blog cause nth else better to do or no body to talk to.. haha
kk talk enough for today.. gonna let my sis use com cause her apple sux..
haha ever get that point in time where u say some thing and then just cannot think of another phrase to prove it? haah i think i blew my "moment in time" haha...
but wat the heck.. im quite sure chances like that will come about again.. and i can really prove my worth.. haha...
past week has been quite a blur.. haha.. hmmm tryin to think if i did anythin worth talkin about.. haha not really la.. sunday spent majority of the day sellin chocalate... in the end had to buy like 30 bars to save my self from havin to come back and sellin chocalate today.. haha.. think most of the day was good la.. just that we wasted to much time lookin for places to sell our choc.. haha vonk a really good salesperson sia.. haha very happy that she was on our team.. haha we were at raffles place out side.. haha.. think vonk got some kind of empathy towards smokers.. cause most of them listen to her immediately buy choc haha sold so many there.... only pty was that every one wanted to move from there move over to orchard road.. haha and vonk immediately became shag.. haha she became so lethargic.. dun wanna help and sell.. haha.. she was angry cause no one listen to her bout stayin at raffles there and sell.. haha but guess it as ok la.. sold a rough 20 - 25 bars of choc at orchard.. so better then nothin..
monday was ok also.. went to PS to watch the choc day spcial stuff.. then after that met up with wendy shuqi and denise.. while i was with jav and ivan.. haha walk and walk.. think was more tired then anythin else.. haha.. but that place was cool sia.. dun really know where we went..but got alot of nice stuff to look at.. mostly expensive stuff.. but still nice to look at.. haha... at the end went home alone.. haha maybe should hav done somethin but in the end didnt.. haha ivan was sayin i could go back and do it but denise said:" chance is over" so whack la.. haha..
tuesday was normal school stuff.. nothin special.. after that went with shuqi denise wendy and jav to tampines library to study.. haha was very pressurizin in tamp library.. haha i wanted to talk.. but knew i couldnt talk.. so had to bite my lip to shut up.. haha.. but was good.. maaged to finish my POA home work..thats a rare thing! at bout 6 jav had to go so i left with him.. but he had to bolt cause his bus had come liao.. so whack.. callled my mum to ask her pick me up then she said she would need bout 20 mins.. haha so i was stuck outside a library for 20 mins.. haha.. can anyone guess wat i decied to do? lol go in read book la.. haha.. was intendin to go in and read this book i had saw earlier bout the knights templar but saw shuqi on the stair case..haha decided to accompany her to tamppopular to buy some stuff and back.. haha.. on the way back saw my mum on the road... haha kanna scolded by her cause i was suppose to be there and ready by the time she came..haha heck la.. was well worth the scoldin.. haha
wednesday,thursday was kinda the same thing.. haha proved to my self how easily i could break a promise.. haiz.. haha.. but other then that nothin else really... just mostly studyin.. manage to finish all required home work on those two days so yay.. haha
friday was even more borin.. after school went to siglap and play ball then went home and watch rave.. haha not bad sia.. i so far watched bout 30 episodes in two days.. very good progresss... after this got gate keepers to watch and then naruto haha.. think now my only escape from chool stress is thru the anime. haha...
today ah.. nth special.. went with aunty tin shaun and jie jie to go and help deliver food to needy ppl.. haha turned out our normal route to do stuff was alreayd taken by a new guy so whack.. haha didnt need to do anythin.. haha... aunty tin brought us over to simpang bedok to eat lunch.. i had one milo dino plus 2 cheese prata and 2 paper prata.. haha nice sia.. but think i dun wanna eat liao.. saw the guy make th epaper prata.. haiz.. he almost like pour butter over the prata sia.. haiz.. so fattenin. haha... after that wen home to swim for bout half hour and then went to meet chan with my sis watch the superman movie..haha nice sia.. got one part where they wanted to giv him an injection but the needle broke when it touch his skin.. haha funny sia.. after movie went home and decided to blog cause nth else better to do or no body to talk to.. haha
kk talk enough for today.. gonna let my sis use com cause her apple sux..
Saturday, July 01, 2006
JuSt InCaSe PeOpLe ThInK i HaV fOrGoTtEn BoUt My BlOg...
haha i havent... its just that i dun really hav anythin to talk about..
nothin pecial.. nothin amazing.. nothin out of the ordanary.. haha so i heck never blog.. will most likely blog on sunday about Choc day.. that promises to be intrsetin.. hahaq see first la hor...
germany beat argentina.. haha yay? hope germany wins.... but think some ppl are not gonna like that statement.. haha SOME ppl...
love is nothin but an excuse not to be lonely...
haha i havent... its just that i dun really hav anythin to talk about..
nothin pecial.. nothin amazing.. nothin out of the ordanary.. haha so i heck never blog.. will most likely blog on sunday about Choc day.. that promises to be intrsetin.. hahaq see first la hor...
germany beat argentina.. haha yay? hope germany wins.... but think some ppl are not gonna like that statement.. haha SOME ppl...
love is nothin but an excuse not to be lonely...
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
HaPpY bIrThDaY tO yOu... HaPpY bIrThDaY tO JaViEr...
haha happy birth day javier! haha hope u enjoy the rest of ur life! lol and i hope u enjoyed ur past 17 years just as much.. haha...
today was jav bdae party haha.. he finnaly 17 haha.. while im still 16 and a half.. ah well... my time will come! but first got alot more before me.. haha wendy shuqi tong shane ivan lian ruban.. haha nvm.. eventually it will reach my turn.. haha
went to send my sister off to bangkok this mornin.. haha today mornin very sway.. woke up bout 3-4 like that with a terrible stomach ache.. then after that fell alseep and had to wak at 7 am to get ready to bring my sis.. haha shes goin bangkok with her class mates on soem study trip haha.. more like shoopin sia.. its like all their trips they bring back more souvenoirs then notes on their classes.. haha.. ah well as long as i get some of those souveniors im cool with that.. haha...so anyway i sent her offf.. haha funny thing happened.. when we were leavin the house my mum told us that she would send us to the bus stop.. haha which is kinda lame cause the bus stop is like 1 min walk away from us.. haha... but my mum kinda demanded it so we had no choice but to get in the car.. haha.. my mum started the car.. drove out of the condo.. went all the way round the estate and the old abandoned school and dropped us off at the bus stop.. haha.. the whole trip took bout 10-15 mins.. haha.. but im guessin that she wanted to play a part in sendin my sis off.. haha so cant really blame... anyway the trip to the airport was uneventfull.. and so was sendin her off....
after that i came home and watch the NBA finals game 6 between the dallas mavericks and the miami heat.. haha.. yay miami won! haha for the first time in their franchise history they won the finals.. haha.. nice match la.. haha kinda borin though.. more intrestin was the game 5 which ended with a score of 101-100.. haha that one kan chiong.. haha u see this is why i prefer basket ball to soccer.. haha soccer only kanchion when the striker i nearin the opposite side goal.. but basket ball will keep u on the edge of ur seat the entire game thru out.. haha..
after the match ended i chionged over to jav house only to find out that actually i was the only one there.. haha javier hadnt even come yet.. ha was still out with his dad buyin char coal. haha so i ended up sitting in javs room readin his books.. haha for bout 30 mins then clement showed up... fater that think another 30 more mins we went down stairs to meet johnny and muhdi to play bball.. haha muhdi is just way to fast.. haha after bout 10 mins chan showed up and joined us to play.. we play and play.. untill shag sia.. then decided to go over to the pool side and talk to chan and clement.. haha mostly uneventful the rest of the afternoon... haha the girls showed with tong.. then followed by mostly slackin and helpin out with the BBq.. after that ate food.. haha me and chan were gettin kinda bored so we went over to the bball court to try and convince derrick cristina and ka min to go and hav some lunch.. haha we challenged them and said if we win the go eat if we lose its their choice.. then they say set.. haha we lost!.. sianz la.. my bball skills really suck.. somemore we played 3 sets and on the third set i some how sucked! haha infront of every one somemore i failed to show them anythin wat so ever.. haiz.. sianz la.. haha... thing i giv up on bball.. haha cause the rim in my room is spoilin my game... im now pretty good in my room but on a real bball court i suck to the core.. haha ah well.. sianz la.. thats like kinda the same bout every thin.. haha im only good when im alone but once ppl start showin up i become useless. haha in my mind too..
umm after that match went for a swim in javs pooll... haha the water was freezin cold sia! really i could feel my bones shiverin.. haha and to makethings worse i went to eat some otah which was kinda spicy.. so i went and drank ICE cold water.. haha which madee things worse cause now my internal organs were also cold.. while my outside was freezin. haha all i could do was wait till my internal got warmer.. haha and its really not nice to wait sia.. played with muhdi a bit.. haha startin i pushed him in to the pool but catchin him just in time to prevent him from gettin wet..haah the 2nd time i tried that clement came along and push mahi.. haha this time i couldnt support muhdi weight and both of us dropped in the water.. haha... funny sia..
thats just bout the most intrestin thing that happen.. haha after that denise chan and wendy became engrossed in makin marshmellows.. haha they ate so many sia! and somemore all look so happy..after the cake cuttin cerimony every one mass take pictures with him.. didnt really want to take any pictures but i guess i had no choice.. haha.. i hate takin pictures!!! haha.. then shuqi and yiwei left.. followed by every one else.. haha ... mahdi and johnny rode of on their bikes while the remainin bunch helped in clearin up the place.. after that shared a cab with denise and clement.. haha came home and now im here! haha
kk i very tired liao. think i willl either go sleep or eat somethin.. didnt really get alot to eat at th party but nvm.. haha better that way.. if i ate alot plus go play bball i sure vomit like siao..haha
haha happy birth day javier! haha hope u enjoy the rest of ur life! lol and i hope u enjoyed ur past 17 years just as much.. haha...
today was jav bdae party haha.. he finnaly 17 haha.. while im still 16 and a half.. ah well... my time will come! but first got alot more before me.. haha wendy shuqi tong shane ivan lian ruban.. haha nvm.. eventually it will reach my turn.. haha
went to send my sister off to bangkok this mornin.. haha today mornin very sway.. woke up bout 3-4 like that with a terrible stomach ache.. then after that fell alseep and had to wak at 7 am to get ready to bring my sis.. haha shes goin bangkok with her class mates on soem study trip haha.. more like shoopin sia.. its like all their trips they bring back more souvenoirs then notes on their classes.. haha.. ah well as long as i get some of those souveniors im cool with that.. haha...so anyway i sent her offf.. haha funny thing happened.. when we were leavin the house my mum told us that she would send us to the bus stop.. haha which is kinda lame cause the bus stop is like 1 min walk away from us.. haha... but my mum kinda demanded it so we had no choice but to get in the car.. haha.. my mum started the car.. drove out of the condo.. went all the way round the estate and the old abandoned school and dropped us off at the bus stop.. haha.. the whole trip took bout 10-15 mins.. haha.. but im guessin that she wanted to play a part in sendin my sis off.. haha so cant really blame... anyway the trip to the airport was uneventfull.. and so was sendin her off....
after that i came home and watch the NBA finals game 6 between the dallas mavericks and the miami heat.. haha.. yay miami won! haha for the first time in their franchise history they won the finals.. haha.. nice match la.. haha kinda borin though.. more intrestin was the game 5 which ended with a score of 101-100.. haha that one kan chiong.. haha u see this is why i prefer basket ball to soccer.. haha soccer only kanchion when the striker i nearin the opposite side goal.. but basket ball will keep u on the edge of ur seat the entire game thru out.. haha..
after the match ended i chionged over to jav house only to find out that actually i was the only one there.. haha javier hadnt even come yet.. ha was still out with his dad buyin char coal. haha so i ended up sitting in javs room readin his books.. haha for bout 30 mins then clement showed up... fater that think another 30 more mins we went down stairs to meet johnny and muhdi to play bball.. haha muhdi is just way to fast.. haha after bout 10 mins chan showed up and joined us to play.. we play and play.. untill shag sia.. then decided to go over to the pool side and talk to chan and clement.. haha mostly uneventful the rest of the afternoon... haha the girls showed with tong.. then followed by mostly slackin and helpin out with the BBq.. after that ate food.. haha me and chan were gettin kinda bored so we went over to the bball court to try and convince derrick cristina and ka min to go and hav some lunch.. haha we challenged them and said if we win the go eat if we lose its their choice.. then they say set.. haha we lost!.. sianz la.. my bball skills really suck.. somemore we played 3 sets and on the third set i some how sucked! haha infront of every one somemore i failed to show them anythin wat so ever.. haiz.. sianz la.. haha... thing i giv up on bball.. haha cause the rim in my room is spoilin my game... im now pretty good in my room but on a real bball court i suck to the core.. haha ah well.. sianz la.. thats like kinda the same bout every thin.. haha im only good when im alone but once ppl start showin up i become useless. haha in my mind too..
umm after that match went for a swim in javs pooll... haha the water was freezin cold sia! really i could feel my bones shiverin.. haha and to makethings worse i went to eat some otah which was kinda spicy.. so i went and drank ICE cold water.. haha which madee things worse cause now my internal organs were also cold.. while my outside was freezin. haha all i could do was wait till my internal got warmer.. haha and its really not nice to wait sia.. played with muhdi a bit.. haha startin i pushed him in to the pool but catchin him just in time to prevent him from gettin wet..haah the 2nd time i tried that clement came along and push mahi.. haha this time i couldnt support muhdi weight and both of us dropped in the water.. haha... funny sia..
thats just bout the most intrestin thing that happen.. haha after that denise chan and wendy became engrossed in makin marshmellows.. haha they ate so many sia! and somemore all look so happy..after the cake cuttin cerimony every one mass take pictures with him.. didnt really want to take any pictures but i guess i had no choice.. haha.. i hate takin pictures!!! haha.. then shuqi and yiwei left.. followed by every one else.. haha ... mahdi and johnny rode of on their bikes while the remainin bunch helped in clearin up the place.. after that shared a cab with denise and clement.. haha came home and now im here! haha
kk i very tired liao. think i willl either go sleep or eat somethin.. didnt really get alot to eat at th party but nvm.. haha better that way.. if i ate alot plus go play bball i sure vomit like siao..haha
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Oh DaMn Am I tIrEd.... WoW iM tIrEd LiKe HeLl
wow shit am i tired.. haha.. went over to my old house this mornin.. haah the place has become a jungle!.. haha not that it wasnt a jungle before but now its just.. woah.. haha.. so anyway... we did mass gardenin.. haha i cut a bamboo plant all the way to about 1 quarter of its size.. haha and im still goin back on monday to do even more stuff. haha.. but was fun la.. i got to use a saw and cut stuff.. haha there was this really big trunk.. haha i see like damn hsag.. but cut thru it in like 10 secs.. haha... this has taught me that even though some stuff looks hard.. u will only find out hat its easy once u try it.. haha
yesturday was over at somerset for a english seminar.. haha kinda lame.. we bought the tickets for 25 dollars then when we went in. haha they never even check.. and some more got like so many ppl not comin.. haha mdm claimed that the tickets were very fast sellin and all that.. haha we had so much space to kick our feet.. haha except ivan chan.. poor guy had to squeez his legs together or he would hav hit the girl in front of us with his legs.. haha the first part of the talk was about english paper 1 haha that was SO borin.. haha me and chan had ro resort to smsin each other just to stay awake.. haha but at the same time we were sittin next to each other.. haha and cn ask to clarify the smses haah cause i was typin damn fast so no time to check.. haha....after the first part was a break... haha mostly borin la.. their tuna sandwichs was nice thoug.. and the pau.. but not really sure wat was inside.. haha i think bean paste or somethin like that la.. haha we found out the vonk wendy and fang ying were gonna skip the 2nd part of the talk to wa6tch silent hill.. hahaim sorry but nothin in hell will make me watch that.. haha.. im sorry.. im scared shitless about the game AND the show.. so no.. haha.. so we all went for the 2nd part of the lecture.. haha that was kinda funny.. haha the speaker had added jokes in to his speech so was kinda funny.. haha..
after the lecture went walkin along orchard road with johnny and chan lookin for somethin.. haha thats all im gonna say..
after that met with jav and tong to play bball over at clement house.. that was fun.. haha grazed my knee furin a hustle.. haha now i know why jason williams wears knee pads.. haha... but no prob la.. the knee graze was my fault so heck.. haha
lol kk i stop here.. argentina trashed serbia 6-0 wanna watch the replay.. haha
wow shit am i tired.. haha.. went over to my old house this mornin.. haah the place has become a jungle!.. haha not that it wasnt a jungle before but now its just.. woah.. haha.. so anyway... we did mass gardenin.. haha i cut a bamboo plant all the way to about 1 quarter of its size.. haha and im still goin back on monday to do even more stuff. haha.. but was fun la.. i got to use a saw and cut stuff.. haha there was this really big trunk.. haha i see like damn hsag.. but cut thru it in like 10 secs.. haha... this has taught me that even though some stuff looks hard.. u will only find out hat its easy once u try it.. haha
yesturday was over at somerset for a english seminar.. haha kinda lame.. we bought the tickets for 25 dollars then when we went in. haha they never even check.. and some more got like so many ppl not comin.. haha mdm claimed that the tickets were very fast sellin and all that.. haha we had so much space to kick our feet.. haha except ivan chan.. poor guy had to squeez his legs together or he would hav hit the girl in front of us with his legs.. haha the first part of the talk was about english paper 1 haha that was SO borin.. haha me and chan had ro resort to smsin each other just to stay awake.. haha but at the same time we were sittin next to each other.. haha and cn ask to clarify the smses haah cause i was typin damn fast so no time to check.. haha....after the first part was a break... haha mostly borin la.. their tuna sandwichs was nice thoug.. and the pau.. but not really sure wat was inside.. haha i think bean paste or somethin like that la.. haha we found out the vonk wendy and fang ying were gonna skip the 2nd part of the talk to wa6tch silent hill.. hahaim sorry but nothin in hell will make me watch that.. haha.. im sorry.. im scared shitless about the game AND the show.. so no.. haha.. so we all went for the 2nd part of the lecture.. haha that was kinda funny.. haha the speaker had added jokes in to his speech so was kinda funny.. haha..
after the lecture went walkin along orchard road with johnny and chan lookin for somethin.. haha thats all im gonna say..
after that met with jav and tong to play bball over at clement house.. that was fun.. haha grazed my knee furin a hustle.. haha now i know why jason williams wears knee pads.. haha... but no prob la.. the knee graze was my fault so heck.. haha
lol kk i stop here.. argentina trashed serbia 6-0 wanna watch the replay.. haha
Monday, June 12, 2006
WoW fIrSt NaP iN yEaRs...
haha i just slept like the dead during 5.30 till 8.. haha.. first time i took a nap in my past secoundary life sia.. haha..damn tired..
today ah.. went to do alot of stuff.. haha mornin wake up already cycled over to tonga place and collect a bounch of note book that i needa giv to ppl.. haha left it there the other day when i gav him wendy's english seminar tickets... haha after that came home bath and then left the house went to bedok mac.. ate lunch and pass shuqi's tickets to her.. then chionged over to lavender where i renew my passport and posted some letters.. haha.. after that was runnin around bedok and tamp doin things.. haha still havent done my IC though.. plus tuition was cancelled.. so i guess was lucky.. haha.. at the end bought mac again and brought it home to eat as tea... eat finish.. then went to bed and FELL ALSEEP...
hmm.. hav got like 4 DVDS infront of me.. haha gonna watch them all today!
star wars episode 2
lord of the rings"the two towers"
lord of the rings "the return of the king"
and pirates of the carabean 1
haha all the DVDs are fake.. haha... my dad loves to buy from china bring back.. haha not that im complainin..
kk bye.. i got alot of watchin to do..
haha i just slept like the dead during 5.30 till 8.. haha.. first time i took a nap in my past secoundary life sia.. haha..damn tired..
today ah.. went to do alot of stuff.. haha mornin wake up already cycled over to tonga place and collect a bounch of note book that i needa giv to ppl.. haha left it there the other day when i gav him wendy's english seminar tickets... haha after that came home bath and then left the house went to bedok mac.. ate lunch and pass shuqi's tickets to her.. then chionged over to lavender where i renew my passport and posted some letters.. haha.. after that was runnin around bedok and tamp doin things.. haha still havent done my IC though.. plus tuition was cancelled.. so i guess was lucky.. haha.. at the end bought mac again and brought it home to eat as tea... eat finish.. then went to bed and FELL ALSEEP...
hmm.. hav got like 4 DVDS infront of me.. haha gonna watch them all today!
star wars episode 2
lord of the rings"the two towers"
lord of the rings "the return of the king"
and pirates of the carabean 1
haha all the DVDs are fake.. haha... my dad loves to buy from china bring back.. haha not that im complainin..
kk bye.. i got alot of watchin to do..
Monday, June 05, 2006
BoWlInG hErE aNd ThErE...
lol.. i rally got nothin to blog about sia.. haha.. wonderin wat to say.. haha..
ok la.. lol talk bout the bowlin today.. haha... actually also not really anythin special...
went to katong thee to bowl.. haha kinda borin la.. ive been bowlin to many time to enjoy it.. lol play 5v5 mahdi lian adam arvind and nasrul vs johnny squid chan tong and jav.. haha we got beat sia! lol.. i wasnt very good except for the first part where maange to get a spare with mahdi.. haha.. other then that played so badly!! haha... 2nd set also the same.. was tryin to do curlin but apperently its not so easy.. lol... let wendy play a few rounds... last frame got seriouse and managed to get a strike and 8 ball.. haha... borin la.. no fun wan... its cause i keep playin with the same ppl.. need new ppl to play.. hahaha
ummm.. school was boring also.. had chem for 2 hours and a maths for 2 hours.. maths was stupid.. haha i never do anythin at all sia.. its like just did the first art of the question and then just talk to tong jav and chan bout local affairs.. haha... borin... lol
need to go do somethin more fun and excitin.. haha maybe i should kill myself and not die.. lol that should put a little bit more color into my life.. lol
kk bye bye
lol.. i rally got nothin to blog about sia.. haha.. wonderin wat to say.. haha..
ok la.. lol talk bout the bowlin today.. haha... actually also not really anythin special...
went to katong thee to bowl.. haha kinda borin la.. ive been bowlin to many time to enjoy it.. lol play 5v5 mahdi lian adam arvind and nasrul vs johnny squid chan tong and jav.. haha we got beat sia! lol.. i wasnt very good except for the first part where maange to get a spare with mahdi.. haha.. other then that played so badly!! haha... 2nd set also the same.. was tryin to do curlin but apperently its not so easy.. lol... let wendy play a few rounds... last frame got seriouse and managed to get a strike and 8 ball.. haha... borin la.. no fun wan... its cause i keep playin with the same ppl.. need new ppl to play.. hahaha
ummm.. school was boring also.. had chem for 2 hours and a maths for 2 hours.. maths was stupid.. haha i never do anythin at all sia.. its like just did the first art of the question and then just talk to tong jav and chan bout local affairs.. haha... borin... lol
need to go do somethin more fun and excitin.. haha maybe i should kill myself and not die.. lol that should put a little bit more color into my life.. lol
kk bye bye
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
HeY hEy ItS tHe HoLiDaYsSsS...
woot its the holidays!!! haha about time that stupid period of rest and relaxation came.. haha doesnt really feel alot like the holidays.. i mean we got school like every two days.. and i got tuition every day in between the days without school.. haiz.. stress la sia!!!
today went for chemistry lesson at 8 in the mornin.. nothin event full happenned... reached bout 5 mins early.. then blah blah blah.. went for class.. break time.. blah blah blah.. went to the coffee shop.. eat.. went back.. blah blah blah.. nothin happend...
haha... after that played basketball.. quite fun la.. haha the white shirts vs the yellow shirts cs the mutli color shirts.. not to bad.. like the game.. had fun.. laughed and blah blah blah... lol i today never do anythin special la.. so sorry for the borin entry!
hmmm.. after that went for bowlin.. bowled like SHIT!
half way thru the other lane was broken so we decided to let another family play in our time slot.. came up to my house.. watch miami heat VS detroit pistons.. nice sia.. wade did a bloody nice shot.. haha he got slammed and thrown but he still manage to get the shot in sia.. damn cool.. haha
k la.. im afraid i need to go bath and maybe sleep.. im tired.. bye bye
woot its the holidays!!! haha about time that stupid period of rest and relaxation came.. haha doesnt really feel alot like the holidays.. i mean we got school like every two days.. and i got tuition every day in between the days without school.. haiz.. stress la sia!!!
today went for chemistry lesson at 8 in the mornin.. nothin event full happenned... reached bout 5 mins early.. then blah blah blah.. went for class.. break time.. blah blah blah.. went to the coffee shop.. eat.. went back.. blah blah blah.. nothin happend...
haha... after that played basketball.. quite fun la.. haha the white shirts vs the yellow shirts cs the mutli color shirts.. not to bad.. like the game.. had fun.. laughed and blah blah blah... lol i today never do anythin special la.. so sorry for the borin entry!
hmmm.. after that went for bowlin.. bowled like SHIT!
half way thru the other lane was broken so we decided to let another family play in our time slot.. came up to my house.. watch miami heat VS detroit pistons.. nice sia.. wade did a bloody nice shot.. haha he got slammed and thrown but he still manage to get the shot in sia.. damn cool.. haha
k la.. im afraid i need to go bath and maybe sleep.. im tired.. bye bye
Thursday, May 25, 2006
So TiReD sO vErY tIrEd.. MuSt SlEeP...
dun know why la.. but very tired.. yesturday slept at 9.00 woke up at 7.oo went to school.. did my chinese compo(yes i did!) and then played a little bball... after that chinese paper too finished and sleep some more.. play soccer.. slacked.. never really move alot.. i suck at soccer.. next time wont play.. then cycled to tanah merah in the rain.. bloddy cold.. shoes and clothes all soak to full capacity.. went to jav place.. slack.. play bball a bit.. then got my mum to pick me up and now im here... nothin really special.. nothing really extra tirin or anythin.. last time would be able to go thru 50 times of this no prob.. but now im really tird.. mentally drained and physically burned.. nvm la.. just gonna sleep some more..
my sleep is also nice to talk bout.. absolutely no dreams at all.. i just sleep.. its nice u know.. when ur not thinkin bout anythin.. now a days im just been thinkin and thinkin.. non stop.. haha maybe thats why im tired.. but dun know la..
watched "over the hedge" on wednesday.. haha show was pretty cheap.. so no probs there.. and the show was good la.. damn funny.. had a squirrel named "hammie" super fast sia.. then he drank an energy drnink and the whole world slowed doen cause he was to fast.. haha not bad la.. and the main char " AJ" had a whole bag of cool tricks that he could do.. so on the whole was a kinda nice movie la.. haha after the movie went home.. could hav done somethin but didnt and i just went home.. haiz..
kk i go sleep liao.. bye
dun know why la.. but very tired.. yesturday slept at 9.00 woke up at 7.oo went to school.. did my chinese compo(yes i did!) and then played a little bball... after that chinese paper too finished and sleep some more.. play soccer.. slacked.. never really move alot.. i suck at soccer.. next time wont play.. then cycled to tanah merah in the rain.. bloddy cold.. shoes and clothes all soak to full capacity.. went to jav place.. slack.. play bball a bit.. then got my mum to pick me up and now im here... nothin really special.. nothing really extra tirin or anythin.. last time would be able to go thru 50 times of this no prob.. but now im really tird.. mentally drained and physically burned.. nvm la.. just gonna sleep some more..
my sleep is also nice to talk bout.. absolutely no dreams at all.. i just sleep.. its nice u know.. when ur not thinkin bout anythin.. now a days im just been thinkin and thinkin.. non stop.. haha maybe thats why im tired.. but dun know la..
watched "over the hedge" on wednesday.. haha show was pretty cheap.. so no probs there.. and the show was good la.. damn funny.. had a squirrel named "hammie" super fast sia.. then he drank an energy drnink and the whole world slowed doen cause he was to fast.. haha not bad la.. and the main char " AJ" had a whole bag of cool tricks that he could do.. so on the whole was a kinda nice movie la.. haha after the movie went home.. could hav done somethin but didnt and i just went home.. haiz..
kk i go sleep liao.. bye
Monday, May 22, 2006
ChInEsE nApPiNg TiMe...
haha.. so sianz.. for the next week i will be havin chinese exams all the way in the mornin..
haha nvm.. at keast there are no teachers around so i dun need to wear full school uniform.. or even tuck in my shirt.. haha so shiok.. but sianz things is the chinee lor.. haha...
oh ya i hav bowlin over at my place on tuesday 23/5 from 4-8 come at anytime u wish. its fun wan.. haha
played a pretty long game of basketball today.. damn tirin.. most of the time was mark ye hui... damn sia.. that guy once open sure chop all the way.. but just giv him little bit of pressure he sure will miss.. haha lester also.. can steal from him when i concentrate la.. but today dun know why very lathagic.. this mornin goin to school also couldnt find the energy to even smile.. sianz.. haha thats one hell of a mistake.. dun know why la.. aftr yesturdays big walk like i never got any strenght like that sia.. haha even though i was forced to bed lat nite by my mum.. zzz so sianz sia.. im freakin 16 yers old.. why the hell must i go oto bed when my mum tells me too... sianz..
sec 3 went over to pahang today.. hope they all come back in one piece. and no body has sex or peeks at each other when bathin.. haha they should hav fun la.. must be open minded then u wont hav anyproblems in pahang.. same thing goes for OBS if ur very closed minded and dun wanna look at things u never see before i swear pahang or ubin will seem like hell to u while u stay there.. but most ppl are not like that la.. so u should hav some fun.. ahaha...
failed my english exam... dun know how that happen.. haha nvm la.. think im just gonna hide under a rock or somethin.. worse part is that i hav absolutely o idea why i failed in the first place.. haha..
kk... need to go walk my dog and then take a nap or somethin.. very tired.. haha
haha.. so sianz.. for the next week i will be havin chinese exams all the way in the mornin..
haha nvm.. at keast there are no teachers around so i dun need to wear full school uniform.. or even tuck in my shirt.. haha so shiok.. but sianz things is the chinee lor.. haha...
oh ya i hav bowlin over at my place on tuesday 23/5 from 4-8 come at anytime u wish. its fun wan.. haha
played a pretty long game of basketball today.. damn tirin.. most of the time was mark ye hui... damn sia.. that guy once open sure chop all the way.. but just giv him little bit of pressure he sure will miss.. haha lester also.. can steal from him when i concentrate la.. but today dun know why very lathagic.. this mornin goin to school also couldnt find the energy to even smile.. sianz.. haha thats one hell of a mistake.. dun know why la.. aftr yesturdays big walk like i never got any strenght like that sia.. haha even though i was forced to bed lat nite by my mum.. zzz so sianz sia.. im freakin 16 yers old.. why the hell must i go oto bed when my mum tells me too... sianz..
sec 3 went over to pahang today.. hope they all come back in one piece. and no body has sex or peeks at each other when bathin.. haha they should hav fun la.. must be open minded then u wont hav anyproblems in pahang.. same thing goes for OBS if ur very closed minded and dun wanna look at things u never see before i swear pahang or ubin will seem like hell to u while u stay there.. but most ppl are not like that la.. so u should hav some fun.. ahaha...
failed my english exam... dun know how that happen.. haha nvm la.. think im just gonna hide under a rock or somethin.. worse part is that i hav absolutely o idea why i failed in the first place.. haha..
kk... need to go walk my dog and then take a nap or somethin.. very tired.. haha
Thursday, May 18, 2006
ArSeNaL lOsE tO bArCeLoNa 2-1 YAY???
lol.. i hav no idea wat thats means.. haha stayed up till 2.35 to watch the match.. not to bad.. arsenal like very lousy tought.. barcelona had majority possesion of the ball in the first half.. haha but that henry dude gav a nice shot to a campbell guy for a header straight in.. haha.. that was nice.. and also the goalie got sent of in the startin part cause he grabed a strikers heel.. haha funny sia.. his face was like damn scared about wat the ref was gonna do.. haha.. only bad thing was that barcelona scored twice in like 5 mins.. hahaha.. think the arsenal ppl really sianz sia.. haha
had a rather uneventful week.. beside bowlin.. no other special outin or anythin.. haha.. played ok la.. not to bad..
ok la.. dun know wat else to say la.. failed most of my subject.. boohoo.. haha hu cares anyway..
lol.. i hav no idea wat thats means.. haha stayed up till 2.35 to watch the match.. not to bad.. arsenal like very lousy tought.. barcelona had majority possesion of the ball in the first half.. haha but that henry dude gav a nice shot to a campbell guy for a header straight in.. haha.. that was nice.. and also the goalie got sent of in the startin part cause he grabed a strikers heel.. haha funny sia.. his face was like damn scared about wat the ref was gonna do.. haha.. only bad thing was that barcelona scored twice in like 5 mins.. hahaha.. think the arsenal ppl really sianz sia.. haha
had a rather uneventful week.. beside bowlin.. no other special outin or anythin.. haha.. played ok la.. not to bad..
ok la.. dun know wat else to say la.. failed most of my subject.. boohoo.. haha hu cares anyway..
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
ExAmS aRe OvEr!!! HaHaHaHa
so shiok sia.. no more exams rulez!!! haha
hmm.. but it does mean that the freaded o levels are cmin ever closer and closer to me.. hahaha...creepin towards me lurched like a leapord preparin for the kill... hahaha sorry... i practisin descriptive essay rite now.. so must prepare my mind set.. haha
just had a wonder full dinner.... dun know if its wonderfull cause the food is good or is wonderfull cause i was hungry.. haha anyway its still nice.. haha damn shiok.. long time never eat a meal finish sit back and smile sia. most of the time is eat finish chiong com or study.. haha my lifes so borin man...
went to schooll at 9 today.. when my paper is at 12 15... haha.. school nice when its quiet..
had my test.. blah blah blah.. stuff like that.. then came home and went out again to play bball over at clements place without clement.. guess that was fun.. too many accidents though but not to bad i guess.. haha
im going bowlin tml.. haha any one wanna join plz feel free... 2 pm at my place... haha
so shiok sia.. no more exams rulez!!! haha
hmm.. but it does mean that the freaded o levels are cmin ever closer and closer to me.. hahaha...creepin towards me lurched like a leapord preparin for the kill... hahaha sorry... i practisin descriptive essay rite now.. so must prepare my mind set.. haha
just had a wonder full dinner.... dun know if its wonderfull cause the food is good or is wonderfull cause i was hungry.. haha anyway its still nice.. haha damn shiok.. long time never eat a meal finish sit back and smile sia. most of the time is eat finish chiong com or study.. haha my lifes so borin man...
went to schooll at 9 today.. when my paper is at 12 15... haha.. school nice when its quiet..
had my test.. blah blah blah.. stuff like that.. then came home and went out again to play bball over at clements place without clement.. guess that was fun.. too many accidents though but not to bad i guess.. haha
im going bowlin tml.. haha any one wanna join plz feel free... 2 pm at my place... haha
Saturday, May 06, 2006
I jUsT rEaLiZe ThAt I hAvEnT bLoG iN a LoNg TiMe..
haha quite long la.. sorry sorry to the ppl that read la.. haha..
havin quite alot of exams lately.. damn sianz.. think my brain will soon either blow up or implode.. haha... most of the language exams were ok.. but POA.. wah that wan was hard sial.. i had to think as hard as if i was takin a A maths test.. damn sianz.. some more the A maths exam didnt hav enough time to finish the work.. haiz.. sure gonna get owned by this mid year exam.. haha heck la.. learning experiences!!
hmm.. zul is in the hospital.. almost all the class went to visit him.. haha he kinda broke down and cried.. haiz.. its ok la.. think any dude he didnt know why he had to do a major operation woulld also act like he has acted.. its quite sad la.. I WILL PRAY FOR U ZUL!! GET WELL SOON!!!
third intrestin thing that happen in the past week.. haha went to the air port with jav tong chan shuqi shu fen yi wei fang ying bao yi and wendy.. that was kinda fun i guess.. did alot of things also.. haha
ok la.. i damn tired.. u see the time of this post.. will post again in the nite when i got more strenght.. haha
haha quite long la.. sorry sorry to the ppl that read la.. haha..
havin quite alot of exams lately.. damn sianz.. think my brain will soon either blow up or implode.. haha... most of the language exams were ok.. but POA.. wah that wan was hard sial.. i had to think as hard as if i was takin a A maths test.. damn sianz.. some more the A maths exam didnt hav enough time to finish the work.. haiz.. sure gonna get owned by this mid year exam.. haha heck la.. learning experiences!!
hmm.. zul is in the hospital.. almost all the class went to visit him.. haha he kinda broke down and cried.. haiz.. its ok la.. think any dude he didnt know why he had to do a major operation woulld also act like he has acted.. its quite sad la.. I WILL PRAY FOR U ZUL!! GET WELL SOON!!!
third intrestin thing that happen in the past week.. haha went to the air port with jav tong chan shuqi shu fen yi wei fang ying bao yi and wendy.. that was kinda fun i guess.. did alot of things also.. haha
ok la.. i damn tired.. u see the time of this post.. will post again in the nite when i got more strenght.. haha
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Im WoRkInG 3 dAyS bEfOrE mY eXaMs... SuRe FaIl..
haha but at least im getting paid to fail.. lol.. haha
heres somethin rather prohetic.. ***** went to shop... **** went to work.. hmmmm...
yes surely thats really wats gonna happen in the future.. haha completelyunrelated.. but yes.. haha eventually it will happen.. haha.. yes.. im sorry i dun really know wat im talkin bout.. just little bit high rite now..
lately i havent really been blogging rite? haha cause i found my life so damn boring that theres really nothin to write about so unless some angel from heaven or hell comes over and brightens/darkens my life.. i think i will delete this blog.. haha nothin to wirte about.. i started this blog simply cause i tot it could be a way to express my feeling and all that stuff.. but now also very paisei so dn feel like writing anymore.. haha heck la.. will see la.. think i will continue to write thru the june holidays but after that is gonna be uncommisioned untill the end of my O levels.. haha thats another task i've yet taken to my stride.. didnt even really do alot of work for my Ns.. haha see first once again.. every thin in my life is see first or seen-and-so-scared-so-will-giv-up.. haha... (clue in)
my friendster suddenly got new testimonials.. after an absence of 6 months.. i suddenly hav two of my frens writing testimonials.. haha both of which hav got hidden agendas.. but that i shant talk bout.. its nice u know.. to realize that ppl still bother spending 3 mins on u instead of their GF or would-be-gfs.. haha yes.. nice to know..
k la.. tired.. visit me on sunday 30th april to buy stuff at PP k?
lol if i happy might treat u dinner. but yes.. see first..
haha but at least im getting paid to fail.. lol.. haha
heres somethin rather prohetic.. ***** went to shop... **** went to work.. hmmmm...
yes surely thats really wats gonna happen in the future.. haha completelyunrelated.. but yes.. haha eventually it will happen.. haha.. yes.. im sorry i dun really know wat im talkin bout.. just little bit high rite now..
lately i havent really been blogging rite? haha cause i found my life so damn boring that theres really nothin to write about so unless some angel from heaven or hell comes over and brightens/darkens my life.. i think i will delete this blog.. haha nothin to wirte about.. i started this blog simply cause i tot it could be a way to express my feeling and all that stuff.. but now also very paisei so dn feel like writing anymore.. haha heck la.. will see la.. think i will continue to write thru the june holidays but after that is gonna be uncommisioned untill the end of my O levels.. haha thats another task i've yet taken to my stride.. didnt even really do alot of work for my Ns.. haha see first once again.. every thin in my life is see first or seen-and-so-scared-so-will-giv-up.. haha... (clue in)
my friendster suddenly got new testimonials.. after an absence of 6 months.. i suddenly hav two of my frens writing testimonials.. haha both of which hav got hidden agendas.. but that i shant talk bout.. its nice u know.. to realize that ppl still bother spending 3 mins on u instead of their GF or would-be-gfs.. haha yes.. nice to know..
k la.. tired.. visit me on sunday 30th april to buy stuff at PP k?
lol if i happy might treat u dinner. but yes.. see first..
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
ReSiStEnCe Is FuTiLe.. MuHaHaHa..
damn sianz.. so i come to blog.. lol this is my last resort in order to not be sainz.. so sianz sia today.. when comin home start ed to rain the moment i come out of the bus.. then walk back.. went into my house.. it suddenly stop raining.. haiz.. stupid sia.. the big dude up there got soemthin against me sial.. haha ah well time to listen to simple plans: "god must hate me" lol or maybe not god la.. just the guy incharge of weather.. lol
just got owned by DND.. but its damn fun.. its almost like WOw but slightly more complicated.. haha but is still pretty cool.. gonna play some more later.. but first need to clean up my room.. its like no matter how well i clean it up.. it becomes 50 times more dirty the nex day.. no choice la.. the the life of a teenage boy. haha
saw lexter johnny vs lester and ye hui.. lol not so sure how to spell his name.. anyway.. lester really got alot of air time sia.. u see him hang in the air.. lol damn cool sia.. haha..
k la nth else to say.. i go sleep a while then finish my english home work.
damn sianz.. so i come to blog.. lol this is my last resort in order to not be sainz.. so sianz sia today.. when comin home start ed to rain the moment i come out of the bus.. then walk back.. went into my house.. it suddenly stop raining.. haiz.. stupid sia.. the big dude up there got soemthin against me sial.. haha ah well time to listen to simple plans: "god must hate me" lol or maybe not god la.. just the guy incharge of weather.. lol
just got owned by DND.. but its damn fun.. its almost like WOw but slightly more complicated.. haha but is still pretty cool.. gonna play some more later.. but first need to clean up my room.. its like no matter how well i clean it up.. it becomes 50 times more dirty the nex day.. no choice la.. the the life of a teenage boy. haha
saw lexter johnny vs lester and ye hui.. lol not so sure how to spell his name.. anyway.. lester really got alot of air time sia.. u see him hang in the air.. lol damn cool sia.. haha..
k la nth else to say.. i go sleep a while then finish my english home work.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
WoW iM dRuNk... MuHaHa...
im supprised that i can even type correctly.. haha feels nice to be drunk.. not thinkin bout anythin. not thinkin bout how to pass o levels.. just relaxin.. haha i cant really say the last time i felt like that.. but yeah.. feels good.. haha
today ah.. normal school day.. found out mr toh was going to atlanta.. asked him to help me buy some stuff.. haha hope he has a safe trip.. will pray for him.. played basket ball.. haha had fun in basket ball.. was really fun.. dun know why.. but was fun.. haha... then came home and helped corrinne to carry stuff to the BBQ pit.. after that was normal.. slack with ivan and clement in the rain.. haha so fun sia.. i was dragging the umbrellas and we were talkin.. haha ivan was guidin.. i was draging.. half way thru he join me and just walk without checkin.. haha ffunny sia i shout at him to keep watch he still can "wat??" haha after that swam for a while in my ppool. with chan and clement.. that was also fun.. mostly just sliding and jumppin.. but it was cool... after that had some drinks.. and a full-1 sip bottle of cola drink.. lol its nice sia.. better then normal coke.. haha
kk tired liao.. must sleep.. or at least play dota.. haha good nite..
im supprised that i can even type correctly.. haha feels nice to be drunk.. not thinkin bout anythin. not thinkin bout how to pass o levels.. just relaxin.. haha i cant really say the last time i felt like that.. but yeah.. feels good.. haha
today ah.. normal school day.. found out mr toh was going to atlanta.. asked him to help me buy some stuff.. haha hope he has a safe trip.. will pray for him.. played basket ball.. haha had fun in basket ball.. was really fun.. dun know why.. but was fun.. haha... then came home and helped corrinne to carry stuff to the BBQ pit.. after that was normal.. slack with ivan and clement in the rain.. haha so fun sia.. i was dragging the umbrellas and we were talkin.. haha ivan was guidin.. i was draging.. half way thru he join me and just walk without checkin.. haha ffunny sia i shout at him to keep watch he still can "wat??" haha after that swam for a while in my ppool. with chan and clement.. that was also fun.. mostly just sliding and jumppin.. but it was cool... after that had some drinks.. and a full-1 sip bottle of cola drink.. lol its nice sia.. better then normal coke.. haha
kk tired liao.. must sleep.. or at least play dota.. haha good nite..
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
HoW lUcKy CaN u GeT iN bBaLl???
bloody hell la.. edwin is so freakin lucky.. really sia.. dun know whether is really skill or not sia.. we were all just relaxing over at the side board and edwin comes up to us and starts shooting with us.. so blah blah blah.. we talk chit chat shoot and stuff like that.. haha he was tryin to ask us to host the TMS bball cup.. but at the same time we tryin to ask his class to host the cup.. still thinking la.. scared wait got alot of nonsence to do then sianz liao.. haha anyway.. his group was about to leave when he ask to take on last shot.. so he went damn far shoot shoot shoot.. all miss.. damn funny sia.. so he got his bag walked away.. then sway sway a stray ball went over to him and he say he take one ore shot.. lol it was like over at the vice-princeiplals cars there.. using one hand he just throw and the ball went hit the rim and went it.. haiz.. very discouraging to watch him play..
lol.. suddenly lost the intrest in blogging..
tml brings bout a whole new load of things to pile in my cranium.. wish me luck..
in other words pray i dun get whack by the ball in my head tml.. :D
bloody hell la.. edwin is so freakin lucky.. really sia.. dun know whether is really skill or not sia.. we were all just relaxing over at the side board and edwin comes up to us and starts shooting with us.. so blah blah blah.. we talk chit chat shoot and stuff like that.. haha he was tryin to ask us to host the TMS bball cup.. but at the same time we tryin to ask his class to host the cup.. still thinking la.. scared wait got alot of nonsence to do then sianz liao.. haha anyway.. his group was about to leave when he ask to take on last shot.. so he went damn far shoot shoot shoot.. all miss.. damn funny sia.. so he got his bag walked away.. then sway sway a stray ball went over to him and he say he take one ore shot.. lol it was like over at the vice-princeiplals cars there.. using one hand he just throw and the ball went hit the rim and went it.. haiz.. very discouraging to watch him play..
lol.. suddenly lost the intrest in blogging..
tml brings bout a whole new load of things to pile in my cranium.. wish me luck..
in other words pray i dun get whack by the ball in my head tml.. :D
Saturday, April 15, 2006
HaHaHa FiNaLlY cAn BlOg..
dun know wats wrong with bloggr these day.. i actually wrote something on wed at friday but then it got deleted.. haiz.. heck la.. now can blog happy liao.. dun really know why im happy.. blogging dun really mean alot to me.. haha dun know la.. any how write...
wonder if it rite to say "happy good friday"? its kinda makes very weird sense but some one said it to me as i was walkin home.. haha weird la.. and today isnt even good friday.. it was yesturday.. freak sia.. lol have been feelin sick past 3 days.. mostly short of breath when i play bball... kinda light headed most of the time.. and cant really seem to concentrate.. my mind knida just simply wonders off into darkness.. haha dun know wats wrong with me.. heck.. haha as long as no cold sweat should be a problem... my teo says the if u break out in cold sweat u about to hav a stroke.. haha so no cold sweat equals no problem...
today was normal.. woke up.. watch the oc a bit.. kinda hard to remember wat is was about now.. but nvm.. its in a dvd so can watch mutiple times.. hahaha... after that went to bowl.. haha quite fun.. my frist 3 frams i guttered the ball all around the middle of the lane.. haha but after that was ok la.. did quite well.. on my 3rd game i got a score of 111.. haha its kinda lousy but thik i will do alot better next time.. just must remember to book the alley.. haha if not no more bowlin.. after that went back home and watch somemore oc.. haha damn sad sia.. while me and my sis were completely fasinated by the show.. rozanna and anutie tin came then kept talkin bout how old the show was.. haha me and my sis had not even known bout it lor.. haiz.. proves how laggy we are... after that got a call from tong.. haha sway sia.. the phone was rite in front of my and it started to ring.. rozanna and my sis scold me for not picking up.. then i say " the chance of this phone call to be mine are so low.. y bother pickin up.." then sway sway really is for me.. haha dun know wat to say.. next time when the phone rng i will say that.. hopefully more ppl will come lookin for me.. as long as not the police im ok with anyone.. haha anyway.. tong called.. went to melville to play bball.. played a while.. then ivan and javier went back to tamp and watched "take the lead" think its a good show.. dun know.. read a review sayin it was very sappy and not for teenagers.. dun know la.. my "sources" all very unreliable.. haha.. so i went home with tong and johnny.. they saw my house.. haha i think only one thing is fasinating bout my room.. and thats my bed.. haha wont tell u all wat it is.. must come and see.. muhahah... then tong got a call from cristina askin where to go to play bball.. so both of them went to meet them and brought them to malville where we played again.. ahha play play play.. that really all i ever do.. haiz..
just realized some thin
i mean.. i wouldnt even want to know bout my own life.. let alone whom soever is reading this.. haiz.. ok la.. i wont talk bout my life and more.. just giv a brief summary.. haha...
hmm.. dun know wat else to say.. except... haha.. was eating prawn flavoured maggee for dinner.. haha i've been wondering.. how come the prawn flavour.. taste exactly like the chicken flavour? haha this is one hell of a conspiracy...
now feeling super light headed.. haha i feel like i could fly.. must rest..
bye bye
dun know wats wrong with bloggr these day.. i actually wrote something on wed at friday but then it got deleted.. haiz.. heck la.. now can blog happy liao.. dun really know why im happy.. blogging dun really mean alot to me.. haha dun know la.. any how write...
wonder if it rite to say "happy good friday"? its kinda makes very weird sense but some one said it to me as i was walkin home.. haha weird la.. and today isnt even good friday.. it was yesturday.. freak sia.. lol have been feelin sick past 3 days.. mostly short of breath when i play bball... kinda light headed most of the time.. and cant really seem to concentrate.. my mind knida just simply wonders off into darkness.. haha dun know wats wrong with me.. heck.. haha as long as no cold sweat should be a problem... my teo says the if u break out in cold sweat u about to hav a stroke.. haha so no cold sweat equals no problem...
today was normal.. woke up.. watch the oc a bit.. kinda hard to remember wat is was about now.. but nvm.. its in a dvd so can watch mutiple times.. hahaha... after that went to bowl.. haha quite fun.. my frist 3 frams i guttered the ball all around the middle of the lane.. haha but after that was ok la.. did quite well.. on my 3rd game i got a score of 111.. haha its kinda lousy but thik i will do alot better next time.. just must remember to book the alley.. haha if not no more bowlin.. after that went back home and watch somemore oc.. haha damn sad sia.. while me and my sis were completely fasinated by the show.. rozanna and anutie tin came then kept talkin bout how old the show was.. haha me and my sis had not even known bout it lor.. haiz.. proves how laggy we are... after that got a call from tong.. haha sway sia.. the phone was rite in front of my and it started to ring.. rozanna and my sis scold me for not picking up.. then i say " the chance of this phone call to be mine are so low.. y bother pickin up.." then sway sway really is for me.. haha dun know wat to say.. next time when the phone rng i will say that.. hopefully more ppl will come lookin for me.. as long as not the police im ok with anyone.. haha anyway.. tong called.. went to melville to play bball.. played a while.. then ivan and javier went back to tamp and watched "take the lead" think its a good show.. dun know.. read a review sayin it was very sappy and not for teenagers.. dun know la.. my "sources" all very unreliable.. haha.. so i went home with tong and johnny.. they saw my house.. haha i think only one thing is fasinating bout my room.. and thats my bed.. haha wont tell u all wat it is.. must come and see.. muhahah... then tong got a call from cristina askin where to go to play bball.. so both of them went to meet them and brought them to malville where we played again.. ahha play play play.. that really all i ever do.. haiz..
just realized some thin
i mean.. i wouldnt even want to know bout my own life.. let alone whom soever is reading this.. haiz.. ok la.. i wont talk bout my life and more.. just giv a brief summary.. haha...
hmm.. dun know wat else to say.. except... haha.. was eating prawn flavoured maggee for dinner.. haha i've been wondering.. how come the prawn flavour.. taste exactly like the chicken flavour? haha this is one hell of a conspiracy...
now feeling super light headed.. haha i feel like i could fly.. must rest..
bye bye
Saturday, April 08, 2006
ThIs NeW pIrOrItY tHiNg Is ReAlLy WoRkInG wElL fOr Me..
haha no joke.. i feel very relaxed.. haha doing home work can be pretty fun sometimes.. haha.. and good for me too...getting some really positive things ut of this.. haha..
oh ya orgot to say.. yesturday bought a new pair of shoes.. haha think this is like the cheapest shoes i ever buy.. it cost 49.90.. haha its new balance purple/yellow edition.. really really like it.. always wanted this shoe but could never really find it.. went over to perninsula and only found javs red/black and the blue version of this shoe.. haha this is a pic of it..

its nice la.. but think i will be changing the laces.. must see how first....
today was ok la.. fun and all that stuff.. went to giv out food to ppl with communicable diseases... haha that was cool.. then went over to shauns house.. wow.. that guy has an XboX 360 in his room.. so damn cool... he has like hi cpu under his table rite side.. then on his tabl rite side is the xbox 360.. next to that is his computer screen.. and the next to that is his xbox 360 screen.. its like a hackers home sia.. so many creens.. plus now hes got so many cool games.. haha DOA 4 is cool like hell.. plus got other games also.. haha DAMN COOL!!!
kk need to sleep..
my deepest condolences to denise teo and her family...
bye bye
haha no joke.. i feel very relaxed.. haha doing home work can be pretty fun sometimes.. haha.. and good for me too...getting some really positive things ut of this.. haha..
oh ya orgot to say.. yesturday bought a new pair of shoes.. haha think this is like the cheapest shoes i ever buy.. it cost 49.90.. haha its new balance purple/yellow edition.. really really like it.. always wanted this shoe but could never really find it.. went over to perninsula and only found javs red/black and the blue version of this shoe.. haha this is a pic of it..

its nice la.. but think i will be changing the laces.. must see how first....
today was ok la.. fun and all that stuff.. went to giv out food to ppl with communicable diseases... haha that was cool.. then went over to shauns house.. wow.. that guy has an XboX 360 in his room.. so damn cool... he has like hi cpu under his table rite side.. then on his tabl rite side is the xbox 360.. next to that is his computer screen.. and the next to that is his xbox 360 screen.. its like a hackers home sia.. so many creens.. plus now hes got so many cool games.. haha DOA 4 is cool like hell.. plus got other games also.. haha DAMN COOL!!!
kk need to sleep..
my deepest condolences to denise teo and her family...
bye bye
Friday, April 07, 2006
100% AlL tHe TiMe?? WeLcOmE tO tHe ReAl WoRlD...
haha i did my home work last nite.. first time in dun know how many years i can safely say that all my home work is complete.. haha.. my mum came into my room then she ask why i doing work.. haha i told her cause i got nothin better to do she dun believe.. haha.. but that rally really true lor.. last time i had stuff to do before i could think about doing my home work.. now home work is at my top list cause the last time thing is now gone.. haha.. its nice la.. for the first time i can stop mdm wan at the corridors and hand in her home work instead of begging for more time to do home work.. haha.. its feels good man.. and i actually learnt something today at SS and history class.. i learned that u should never at in class and the yati is highly feminine.. haha that all.. nothing on the subject.. haha.. no lah jking.. i learned soem stuff... mostly bout stalin and the british primeminister and the 2 nd front.. blah blah blah.. stuff like that la... had fun la..
arvind got into more trouble today.. damn sad.. the funny guy went to talk back to miss yati when she caught him for eatin in class.. damn weird sia.. arvind comes to school 30 mins earlier then me.. yet he doesnt hav the time to eat within that time but i can.. haiz.. really dun understand.. anyway.. there he was talkin with miss yati then the rest of the ppl behind him all laughing at his arguement with her.. that made matters worst.. miss yati turn around and started scoldin the others.. haiz.. then she call zul to call mr sara over and get him to settle this arguement.. really sianz sia.. early in the morning and must kanna lecture from sara.. haiz.. he was talkin on and on bout some funny stuff that we must help him and that he respects us alot and dun wanna humiliate us.. thats when i got a shock. haha arvind told me that he kanna suspended from sports cap then i realized he never even tell the remaining few students in class. haha i was thinkin that he told the entire school sia.. haha.. think arvind got an hour suspension and dun know wat else.. haha but the lesson lernt is that miss yati dun like students to eat in her class.after that was a roughly smooth sailing day.. mubarak gave us yet another speech.. blah blah blah.. haha that about it la.. nothin else bout today..
i also learnt then me jav and ivan when we play to 80% on the court we are pretty good.. at least.. they are..
kk BYE BYE!!
haha i did my home work last nite.. first time in dun know how many years i can safely say that all my home work is complete.. haha.. my mum came into my room then she ask why i doing work.. haha i told her cause i got nothin better to do she dun believe.. haha.. but that rally really true lor.. last time i had stuff to do before i could think about doing my home work.. now home work is at my top list cause the last time thing is now gone.. haha.. its nice la.. for the first time i can stop mdm wan at the corridors and hand in her home work instead of begging for more time to do home work.. haha.. its feels good man.. and i actually learnt something today at SS and history class.. i learned that u should never at in class and the yati is highly feminine.. haha that all.. nothing on the subject.. haha.. no lah jking.. i learned soem stuff... mostly bout stalin and the british primeminister and the 2 nd front.. blah blah blah.. stuff like that la... had fun la..
arvind got into more trouble today.. damn sad.. the funny guy went to talk back to miss yati when she caught him for eatin in class.. damn weird sia.. arvind comes to school 30 mins earlier then me.. yet he doesnt hav the time to eat within that time but i can.. haiz.. really dun understand.. anyway.. there he was talkin with miss yati then the rest of the ppl behind him all laughing at his arguement with her.. that made matters worst.. miss yati turn around and started scoldin the others.. haiz.. then she call zul to call mr sara over and get him to settle this arguement.. really sianz sia.. early in the morning and must kanna lecture from sara.. haiz.. he was talkin on and on bout some funny stuff that we must help him and that he respects us alot and dun wanna humiliate us.. thats when i got a shock. haha arvind told me that he kanna suspended from sports cap then i realized he never even tell the remaining few students in class. haha i was thinkin that he told the entire school sia.. haha.. think arvind got an hour suspension and dun know wat else.. haha but the lesson lernt is that miss yati dun like students to eat in her class.after that was a roughly smooth sailing day.. mubarak gave us yet another speech.. blah blah blah.. haha that about it la.. nothin else bout today..
i also learnt then me jav and ivan when we play to 80% on the court we are pretty good.. at least.. they are..
kk BYE BYE!!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
LoTs Of ThInGs To SaY..
dun really hav alot of time to say anythin.. haha tired like hell and wanna sleep.. haha wont be talkin bout the camp.. just but my past 3 days thinking.. haha yes... as much as u dun realize it.. im actually thinkin went i look like im slackin.. haha remember.. a human talks to himself at least 80000 times a day.. just know that the past three days was fun.. i sat next to ivan chan so that was a little cool.. haha but behind hanifi.. so every time he shake his leg he keep rockin our table.. haha
i just realized that actually me and arvind hav very alike personalities.. except that i think a little bit more while he has a slightly higher action impulse.. haha.. anyway.. today he came up to the stage that was tlkin bout his family and all.. then he said somethin u know.. he had just cracked a joke and then said that he was tryin to prevent him slef from crying by makin a joke.. went he said that it suddenly hit me that that was the exact same thing as i do when ever i was sad and wanted to cry.. the other nite also when ramesh was talkin bout wat would happen if ur parents died.. then while every one was cryin me and chan and very little few were actually just keepin quiet.. so many ppl ask why i never cry and all.. then they say is cause i sadist and like to see my parents die.. haha... wat kind of kid would be like that sia... obviously not me rite.. haha the only reason why i never cry was because i was only thinkin of them die.. but not of them leavin me.. i was thinkin bout them diein.. but at the same time also was thinkin bout all the jokes that we shared.. haha thats why i never cry... i also realize that i had been through so many of these things.. camps that expect u to open up to ur peers.. and while every one was cryin i was smilin.. its really really weird.. but it only cause i dun like to cry.. and the only reason why i smile or giggle when every one else is sad is simply cause i dun wanna cry..
i got a question.. if u knew some one from 3 yrs ago.. and wanted to meet them now.. so u meet and then u realize that this person has become very different from last time.. (not in a bad way.. but at the same time diff from wat u previously enjoyed from that person.. ) you then decide not to find or talk to the person anymore... after a while the two of u meet on the street and suddenly the person is back to normal.. then same likeable-ness that the person had 3 yrs ago.. and u then realize that actually this person is both of them... and u dont know hwether to remain as frens with this person or not.. wats ur answer? haha kindly tag bout it plz
dun really hav alot of time to say anythin.. haha tired like hell and wanna sleep.. haha wont be talkin bout the camp.. just but my past 3 days thinking.. haha yes... as much as u dun realize it.. im actually thinkin went i look like im slackin.. haha remember.. a human talks to himself at least 80000 times a day.. just know that the past three days was fun.. i sat next to ivan chan so that was a little cool.. haha but behind hanifi.. so every time he shake his leg he keep rockin our table.. haha
i just realized that actually me and arvind hav very alike personalities.. except that i think a little bit more while he has a slightly higher action impulse.. haha.. anyway.. today he came up to the stage that was tlkin bout his family and all.. then he said somethin u know.. he had just cracked a joke and then said that he was tryin to prevent him slef from crying by makin a joke.. went he said that it suddenly hit me that that was the exact same thing as i do when ever i was sad and wanted to cry.. the other nite also when ramesh was talkin bout wat would happen if ur parents died.. then while every one was cryin me and chan and very little few were actually just keepin quiet.. so many ppl ask why i never cry and all.. then they say is cause i sadist and like to see my parents die.. haha... wat kind of kid would be like that sia... obviously not me rite.. haha the only reason why i never cry was because i was only thinkin of them die.. but not of them leavin me.. i was thinkin bout them diein.. but at the same time also was thinkin bout all the jokes that we shared.. haha thats why i never cry... i also realize that i had been through so many of these things.. camps that expect u to open up to ur peers.. and while every one was cryin i was smilin.. its really really weird.. but it only cause i dun like to cry.. and the only reason why i smile or giggle when every one else is sad is simply cause i dun wanna cry..
i got a question.. if u knew some one from 3 yrs ago.. and wanted to meet them now.. so u meet and then u realize that this person has become very different from last time.. (not in a bad way.. but at the same time diff from wat u previously enjoyed from that person.. ) you then decide not to find or talk to the person anymore... after a while the two of u meet on the street and suddenly the person is back to normal.. then same likeable-ness that the person had 3 yrs ago.. and u then realize that actually this person is both of them... and u dont know hwether to remain as frens with this person or not.. wats ur answer? haha kindly tag bout it plz
Sunday, April 02, 2006
FiNalLy HaVe EnOuGh StReNgTh To BlOg..
lol.. past two days hav been a serious blur sia.. haha but very enjoyable.. one friday morning was normal.. haha nothin really big happenened.. went to school. blah blah blah.. mostly normal leassons.. miss soh was talkin to us bout something.. cant really remember wat is it about.. but mostly was on why and how companies will go bankrupt.. haha quite intresting.. learnd bout the one.99 shops and also the rotiboy shops.. found it surpriseingly intresting.. haha accounting aint that boring after all.. then after that was maths and chinese.. 2 hours of more slack.. haha nice sia.. i friday plus monday both got 2 hours of slacking.. haha.. physics was cool.. covered the entire chapter on sound.. haha sound sux sia.. its like bloody hard to understand cause u cant see it.. and the only to help guide you is a bunch of graphes that all look the same!! haha
after that went home.. slack a bit.. went play dota for a while.. then ment came over my house.. bath, changed then of to the musical.. haha
ride to the musical was fun sia.. alot of funny things happened.. never in my life hav a been with a group so noisy and restless sia.. all of us like singing songs and chatting on the bus.. haha damn funny... but we reached kinda late so had to kinda rush over there.. when we reached the theathre was a disaster.. im sorry to say but the ushers at the musical were barely helpful.. haiz.. they could tell u where were the seats but after that cannot help liao.. haha we found edwins entire gang all sitting at our places... haiz.. why gotta be like that.. just bloody hell follow ur sitting arrangment then can laio rite.. but instead every one gotta move so that they sit cloer to their frens.. haha something is wrong with all of us sia.. its not logical if u gotta stay silent through out the show.. why bother sitting next to frens when u cant talk to them?? haha like i said.. somethin is wrong with us all.. anyway.. edwin that prob was resolved.. haha we all sat down for the show.. haha its not bad la.. but i hav seen nice musicals... of coure those are broadway standard so cant really compare.. haha.. funny thing happened.. javier was asked by the person behind him to move bacouse he was too big.. lol.. funny sia.. the weird thing is that the ppl were all slouching over their seats and javier is not as tall as ivan or wat.. lol.. but still lwas kinda funny.. haha.. the 2nd part of the show was more intresting.. lol.. was talkin to ivan bout some stuff la.. nice conversation.. haha..
think after the show was when every one went crazy.. siao sia.. we walk over to the busstop already make so much noise about things.. haha funny sia.. we talk bout every thing while at the same time watch arvinds bunch all dun know do wat to a wall.. haha damn funny.. rashif was around video taping every thing.. haha damn funny..a bnch of us went over to simpang to eat.. wow nice sia.. our whole group took up a whole row of tables.. haha some more suddenly mdm wan and a bunch of teachers also appeared.. damn cool.. can see her face was completely stunned about seeing so many of her students all eating at the same place as themselves.. haha
ya ok.. thats all for friday..
saturday was a little bit more relaxed.. woke up.. help around the house and claened my toilet.. played a littl bit of computer.. and then went out over to javiers house to play ball with javier chan johnny tong ann christina derrick and ka ming.. haha was a pretty fun game la.. mostly was slacking cause of the rain but then at night also played for a while.. fun sia.. played with johnny me and chan against 5 other ppl.. haha that was pretty challenging.. good for thinking out plans.. haha.. fell down a couple of time cause of my shoes.. damn sianz.. need to buy a new pair liao.. lol.. think i gonna buy the same pair of answer 9.. but buy the black/white version of the shoe.. haha.. and a smaller size.. then at least ot wont look so big on me..
ok la.. wrote alot.. i need to go do enlish physics and POA home work liao..
lol.. past two days hav been a serious blur sia.. haha but very enjoyable.. one friday morning was normal.. haha nothin really big happenened.. went to school. blah blah blah.. mostly normal leassons.. miss soh was talkin to us bout something.. cant really remember wat is it about.. but mostly was on why and how companies will go bankrupt.. haha quite intresting.. learnd bout the one.99 shops and also the rotiboy shops.. found it surpriseingly intresting.. haha accounting aint that boring after all.. then after that was maths and chinese.. 2 hours of more slack.. haha nice sia.. i friday plus monday both got 2 hours of slacking.. haha.. physics was cool.. covered the entire chapter on sound.. haha sound sux sia.. its like bloody hard to understand cause u cant see it.. and the only to help guide you is a bunch of graphes that all look the same!! haha
after that went home.. slack a bit.. went play dota for a while.. then ment came over my house.. bath, changed then of to the musical.. haha
ride to the musical was fun sia.. alot of funny things happened.. never in my life hav a been with a group so noisy and restless sia.. all of us like singing songs and chatting on the bus.. haha damn funny... but we reached kinda late so had to kinda rush over there.. when we reached the theathre was a disaster.. im sorry to say but the ushers at the musical were barely helpful.. haiz.. they could tell u where were the seats but after that cannot help liao.. haha we found edwins entire gang all sitting at our places... haiz.. why gotta be like that.. just bloody hell follow ur sitting arrangment then can laio rite.. but instead every one gotta move so that they sit cloer to their frens.. haha something is wrong with all of us sia.. its not logical if u gotta stay silent through out the show.. why bother sitting next to frens when u cant talk to them?? haha like i said.. somethin is wrong with us all.. anyway.. edwin that prob was resolved.. haha we all sat down for the show.. haha its not bad la.. but i hav seen nice musicals... of coure those are broadway standard so cant really compare.. haha.. funny thing happened.. javier was asked by the person behind him to move bacouse he was too big.. lol.. funny sia.. the weird thing is that the ppl were all slouching over their seats and javier is not as tall as ivan or wat.. lol.. but still lwas kinda funny.. haha.. the 2nd part of the show was more intresting.. lol.. was talkin to ivan bout some stuff la.. nice conversation.. haha..
think after the show was when every one went crazy.. siao sia.. we walk over to the busstop already make so much noise about things.. haha funny sia.. we talk bout every thing while at the same time watch arvinds bunch all dun know do wat to a wall.. haha damn funny.. rashif was around video taping every thing.. haha damn funny..a bnch of us went over to simpang to eat.. wow nice sia.. our whole group took up a whole row of tables.. haha some more suddenly mdm wan and a bunch of teachers also appeared.. damn cool.. can see her face was completely stunned about seeing so many of her students all eating at the same place as themselves.. haha
ya ok.. thats all for friday..
saturday was a little bit more relaxed.. woke up.. help around the house and claened my toilet.. played a littl bit of computer.. and then went out over to javiers house to play ball with javier chan johnny tong ann christina derrick and ka ming.. haha was a pretty fun game la.. mostly was slacking cause of the rain but then at night also played for a while.. fun sia.. played with johnny me and chan against 5 other ppl.. haha that was pretty challenging.. good for thinking out plans.. haha.. fell down a couple of time cause of my shoes.. damn sianz.. need to buy a new pair liao.. lol.. think i gonna buy the same pair of answer 9.. but buy the black/white version of the shoe.. haha.. and a smaller size.. then at least ot wont look so big on me..
ok la.. wrote alot.. i need to go do enlish physics and POA home work liao..
Thursday, March 30, 2006
LaSt DaY tO pLaY bBaLl HaS cOmE aNd GoNE...
haha no more bball!! haah at least untill the mid years are over then i think june holidays will be the final time i really chiong bball.. after that is study all the way till o levels.. haiz.. as much as that plan really relly sux i guess got no other choice? must get a good future.. then maybe i can go to law and management or go melbourne study.. haha.. hope and wish la hor.. lol
today school was a dump.. all we did was chem physics chem englich and more chem.. haiz.. but was ok la.. not say very bad.. the first 2 chem was fun and physics was enjoyable.. haha but the last chem sucked.. haiz.. im so gonna fail that freakin test.. damn sianz.. think need to find a tutor for chemistry.. nglish was cool tough.. the new teacher came and had a talk with us.. haha about arguementative essays and the mistakes that u could make.. so cool sia.. i learnt wat falacies are.. haha.. so intresting.. wanna try and get him to giv me another talk bout it.. also learnt that i actually make quite alot of falacies in my compo.. haha.. pai sei..
after school was kinda indecisive.. we didnt know whether to go over jav house or just go siglap and play.. haha im glad that our final bit of fun just before the mid years take off was at a really cool place.. haha and some more christina and derrick and a new girl called renee... cool name.. haha and she damn accurate sia.. all came over and played with us.. haiz i swear derrick why so good sia.. damn hard to play vs him.. haiz.. lol.. had alot of fun.. haha think today i was kinda alot more noisy then usual.. haha dun know why. last time i was like this was last year.. haha cant stop talkin or typing stuff.. i wonder wat it is.. lololol.. i glad to say that i hav finally been proven that i can quit smokin.. haha i put a cigg and a lighter in my bag and the entire day i didnt even hav the urge to take it out and light it.. haha IM CURED!!! lol.. happy..
lol.. this is in explanation of my "bed jumping" and "maximum output" msn nicks.. haha my dad gav me his old stereo set.. made by bosch.. dun really know bout them but jav say the they best in the world.. haha.. anyway.. hooked it up to my stereo then turn on the thing at full volume.. which means "maximum output" and then after that i realizd that my bed was actually shivering together with my bass stereo.. haah that explains the "bed jumping" lol hope u all not thinkin crooked...
tml got the musical so chance are i wont be postin any thing tml.. haha like any one cares.. nvm.. this is a good window of destressing.. haha..
wow... my dog can snore sia!! ol he sleeping above me at the 2 nd floor and i can hear him sial.. lol louder then my dad!! omg.. hahaha
haha no more bball!! haah at least untill the mid years are over then i think june holidays will be the final time i really chiong bball.. after that is study all the way till o levels.. haiz.. as much as that plan really relly sux i guess got no other choice? must get a good future.. then maybe i can go to law and management or go melbourne study.. haha.. hope and wish la hor.. lol
today school was a dump.. all we did was chem physics chem englich and more chem.. haiz.. but was ok la.. not say very bad.. the first 2 chem was fun and physics was enjoyable.. haha but the last chem sucked.. haiz.. im so gonna fail that freakin test.. damn sianz.. think need to find a tutor for chemistry.. nglish was cool tough.. the new teacher came and had a talk with us.. haha about arguementative essays and the mistakes that u could make.. so cool sia.. i learnt wat falacies are.. haha.. so intresting.. wanna try and get him to giv me another talk bout it.. also learnt that i actually make quite alot of falacies in my compo.. haha.. pai sei..
after school was kinda indecisive.. we didnt know whether to go over jav house or just go siglap and play.. haha im glad that our final bit of fun just before the mid years take off was at a really cool place.. haha and some more christina and derrick and a new girl called renee... cool name.. haha and she damn accurate sia.. all came over and played with us.. haiz i swear derrick why so good sia.. damn hard to play vs him.. haiz.. lol.. had alot of fun.. haha think today i was kinda alot more noisy then usual.. haha dun know why. last time i was like this was last year.. haha cant stop talkin or typing stuff.. i wonder wat it is.. lololol.. i glad to say that i hav finally been proven that i can quit smokin.. haha i put a cigg and a lighter in my bag and the entire day i didnt even hav the urge to take it out and light it.. haha IM CURED!!! lol.. happy..
lol.. this is in explanation of my "bed jumping" and "maximum output" msn nicks.. haha my dad gav me his old stereo set.. made by bosch.. dun really know bout them but jav say the they best in the world.. haha.. anyway.. hooked it up to my stereo then turn on the thing at full volume.. which means "maximum output" and then after that i realizd that my bed was actually shivering together with my bass stereo.. haah that explains the "bed jumping" lol hope u all not thinkin crooked...
tml got the musical so chance are i wont be postin any thing tml.. haha like any one cares.. nvm.. this is a good window of destressing.. haha..
wow... my dog can snore sia!! ol he sleeping above me at the 2 nd floor and i can hear him sial.. lol louder then my dad!! omg.. hahaha
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
My MiD yEaRs ArE cOmInG!!! oMg!!! OmG!!!
lol die la sial.. mid years so soon comin but then i not yet prepare for it.. haiz.. english think i can only just pass cause i never pass up anyof my hm work.. chinese.. that one heck care la... POA.. wah that one sure die lor... not cause i never study.. miss soh say will hav partnership question.. haiz.. wth is a partnership question?? should hav paid attention in class last year.. haiz.. science is another ure fail.. hav no idea wat the hell mole concept is and i can barely grasp the waves units... hist/SS think can pass la.. hopin to score well on my SBQ then pray like hell on my SEQ.. haha stupid strategy rite?? no choice.. despo time call for despo measures.. A maths also sure cannot pass wan.. got the new diff of trigo.. wah.. head ache la that one.. sianz... think the only one i sure pass is PE... lol..
today.. was damn sianz.. had the worlds hardest practical practice that i hav ever done... doing some funny stuff bout water and weights and still got dun know wat.. haiz.. sure die sia.. PE was fun.. haha the shuttle runs was cool.. next time must do some before i play bball... its good for stretching... maths was empty cause mr toh is doing the shit about the school musical.. after that had english.. probably the only productive lesson of the entire day.. that was a bit of fun.. glad to hear mdm say sorry to me.. haha she says that me and ivan chan english are the only 2 of the correct calibre.. so we actually dun need to do planning...
okok tong call me bnet..
i try blog again later
lol die la sial.. mid years so soon comin but then i not yet prepare for it.. haiz.. english think i can only just pass cause i never pass up anyof my hm work.. chinese.. that one heck care la... POA.. wah that one sure die lor... not cause i never study.. miss soh say will hav partnership question.. haiz.. wth is a partnership question?? should hav paid attention in class last year.. haiz.. science is another ure fail.. hav no idea wat the hell mole concept is and i can barely grasp the waves units... hist/SS think can pass la.. hopin to score well on my SBQ then pray like hell on my SEQ.. haha stupid strategy rite?? no choice.. despo time call for despo measures.. A maths also sure cannot pass wan.. got the new diff of trigo.. wah.. head ache la that one.. sianz... think the only one i sure pass is PE... lol..
today.. was damn sianz.. had the worlds hardest practical practice that i hav ever done... doing some funny stuff bout water and weights and still got dun know wat.. haiz.. sure die sia.. PE was fun.. haha the shuttle runs was cool.. next time must do some before i play bball... its good for stretching... maths was empty cause mr toh is doing the shit about the school musical.. after that had english.. probably the only productive lesson of the entire day.. that was a bit of fun.. glad to hear mdm say sorry to me.. haha she says that me and ivan chan english are the only 2 of the correct calibre.. so we actually dun need to do planning...
okok tong call me bnet..
i try blog again later
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